Our Expectations

Supplier Code of Conduct

Our Values

Our vision and values have always been the basis of success at Boehringer Ingelheim. We believe that responsible business conduct and fair business practices, as well as taking sustainability into account, serve society and the company best. Sustainable Purchasing @ Boehringer Ingelheim integrates requirements, specifications and criteria that are compatible and serve environmental protection and social progress into the entire purchasing and supplier selection process. Economic development should be supported, in particular by striving for resource efficiency, improving the quality of our products and services and optimizing costs. Sustainable Purchasing @ Boehringer Ingelheim strives for the best possible ecological,

The Boehringer Ingelheim Supplier Code of Conduct was approved by the Boehringer Ingelheim management and came into force in March 2016.

Your Values

Boehringer Ingelheim's Supplier Code of Conduct expresses our expectations for the way business is conducted between Boehringer Ingelheim and its suppliers, including those acting on Boehringer Ingelheim's behalf. A fundamental understanding of respect for all people, animals, the environment, society and suppliers underscores our commitment to ethical behavior.

Boehringer Ingelheim shares this Supplier Code of Conduct with suppliers to create a common understanding of our business needs, as this is an important aspect in supplier selection and evaluation. We expect certain suppliers to complete specific assigned training sessions, which may include this Code and other compliance training sessions, within a specific timeframe. If our expectations are not met, this will lead to a reassessment of future business relationships.

Our expectations

All suppliers and their subcontractors should align these expectations in their supply chains. Boehringer Ingelheim is granted the right to subject compliance with these standards to a qualified external audit.

Therefore, suppliers are expected to:

  • Conduct their business in full compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, policies and industry codes.
  • Strict adherence to ethical principles for employee and human rights, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, and management systems.
  • Integrate, share and apply these principles in own third-party programs.
  • Recognize the importance of diversity and inclusion through strict compliance with local laws, regulations and policies on equal opportunity and non-discrimination.
  • Ensure that there is no violation of laws or discrimination of any kind in the workplace.
  • Consciously and respectfully addressing cultural differences, beliefs and issues regarding the interpretation and global application of these principles. Agree that the implementation of these principles may vary and must comply with local laws, values and cultural perceptions of globally diverse societies.
  • Integrate the principles for continuous improvement to create awareness, perception and openness to continuous performance improvement.
  • Respect that applicable law is not superseded by the Supplier Code of Conduct.

This Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the ethical and desired goals of Boehringer Ingelheim. In the event of contractual stipulations between suppliers and Boehringer Ingelheim that represent an irreconcilable conflict with the above provisions of this Supplier Code of Conduct, the contractual stipulations between supplier and Boehringer Ingelheim shall apply in the event of a dispute Boehringer Ingelheim.

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Health, Safety & Environment

Suppliers aim to ensure a safe and healthy working environment and to act in an ecological and sustainable manner.
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