AI-powered early detection system set to transform pig farming and welfare


Introducing SoundTalks®, powered by FARMERA® 

Today, we are excited to announce the launch of SoundTalks®, powered by FARMERA®, across the UK and Ireland, an AI-powered detection system that can be used to help improve the health of pigs and enables farmers to operate more efficiently.  

Built on years of real farm sound data, SoundTalks® uses AI algorithms to ‘listen’ to the frequency and intensity of coughs in pigs, alerting the producer to the onset of potential problems. This innovative device has already been shown to detect respiratory disease in pigs up to five days sooner than conventional methods, supporting vets and farmers to deliver earlier appropriate treatments and responses, improving health outcomes, and minimising the risk of infection across the herd.1,2 


With 24/7 monitoring, SoundTalks® provides farmers with a reliable and objective way to detect and identify trends in respiratory conditions through real-time data. This enables them to spend more time across the rest of their farm, alleviating the need for constant observation, and providing peace of mind. 

FARMERA® is a platform owned by Boehringer Ingelheim. FARMERA®collates and displays the recordings and results of the SoundTalks® algorithms, temperature and humidity, in easy-to-interpret graphs and it readily accessed via an App or web portal. FARMERA® also provides the possibility to record mortality, pig movement, correlate nursery/finishers to sow units and enables the user to set intervention protocols for their situation.  

Boehringer Ingelheim’s commitment to farmers and pig welfare  


At Boehringer Ingelheim, we are committed to supporting farmers in improving the health and welfare of livestock through innovation. We are constantly looking for new, innovative products that supports animal welfare. Backed by robust data, SoundTalks® promises to provide farmers with reliable insights that can help them identify, investigate, and take action to address potential health issues in their pigs. By improving early detection of respiratory viruses, SoundTalks® has the potential to lower antibiotic use and in turn have benefits on growth rates and mortality in pigs.2 

Respiratory diseases can be detrimental not only to the health and wellbeing of livestock but to the livelihood of farmers as well. Against the backdrop of the wider pressures British and Irish pig farmers face today including labour shortages and the rising costs of production, maintaining herd health is becoming more challenging, and crucially, more important. Through tools like SoundTalks®, Boehringer Ingelheim is committed to creating innovative solutions that enable farmers to predict, prevent and treat animal health conditions, helping them to achieve more. 

If you’re interested to find out about SoundTalks®,powered by FARMER®, please contact: