
29 Result(s)
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Saving Stroke Patients around the world

Saving Stroke Patients around the world

Suffering a stroke is one of the most devastating medical emergencies that can happen to a person. Over 15 million people worldwide suffer a stroke every year.
Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators

Performance indicators concerning Environment Health and Safety (EHS) are summarized here.
More Health Overview

More Health Overview

Working at the intersection of human and animal health, we have unique opportunities to positively impact vulnerable populations.
Biotherapeutics Discovery

Biotherapeutics Discovery

We are applying our deep understanding of disease biology to design a diverse range of novel modalities that are the foundation for life-changing biotherapeutics for patients.
Lung Repair & Regeneration Video

Lung Repair & Regeneration Video

Lung repair & regeneration research addresses fundamental changes to lung architecture and how these changes impact lung function.
Bigger role in ensuring food security

Bigger role in ensuring food security

As the world population is projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050, animal health becomes fundamental to ensure both animal well-being and global protein supply.
Be green Japan

Be green Japan

Boehringer Ingelheim's Yamagata site is gradually switching to a more sustainable energy supply.
World Recycling Day: Closing the Loop

World Recycling Day: Closing the Loop

Transitioning the economy from a linear to a circular approach herculean task – but also an innovation that carries huge potential
SIRPα Cancer Immunology Research

SIRPα Cancer Immunology Research

Boehringer Ingelheim scientists are investigating a new target in the innate immune system - signal-regulating protein alpha or SIRPα.
International Women's Day

International Women's Day

We celebrate International Women’s Day with this year’s UN Women motto being “Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow”


Potential access to selected medications for appropriate patients with serious, life-threatening diseases unable to participate in a clinical trial
Our Approach

Our Approach

We are driven by the desire to improve human and animal health -– now and in the future. Therefore, we have developed our framework: Sustainable Development – For Generations.
Kodeks postępowania dostawców

Kodeks postępowania dostawców

BI’s expectations towards its suppliers on ethical behavior, integrity, professionalism and common business requirements.
Behind the Lab

Behind the Lab

Delve behind the lab to see how our Retinal Health scientists are spearheading research into novel therapeutics to treat retinopathies.
Our Contribution

Our Contribution

Humanity is facing serious challenges. We believe we can always do more – for ourselves and for the generations to come.
More Potential Overview

More Potential Overview

Working at the intersection of human and animal health, we have unique opportunities to positively impact vulnerable populations.
Guardians for health

Guardians for health

sA global initiative to reduce mortality, cardiovascular and kidney complications in type 2 diabetes through adherence to clinical guideline.
Big hearts united to help animals in Ukraine

Big hearts united to help animals in Ukraine

Veterinaries volunteer at the Polish-Ukrainian border to help welcome Refugees and their animals. Refugees don’t rest until their animals are safe.
Our Innovation Strategy

Our Innovation Strategy

Our discovery research strategy is designed to sustain our track record of innovation and look for new and breakthrough medicines.
Mechanistic Modeling in Biotherapeutic Drug Development

Mechanistic Modeling in Biotherapeutic Drug Development

Mechanistic modeling is revolutionizing biotherapeutic drug development with the goal of getting new medicines to patients faster, more reliably and more cost-effectively.