A Collaborative Working Project between Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd and Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust to design and implement a new model of care to help address the current gap in the assessment and management of cognitive symptoms associated with psychotic disorders.

A Collaborative Working Project between Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd (BIL) and Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (OHNHSFT) to design and establish a new pathway and bespoke service tailored to the needs of those people with cognitive impairment as a result of a psychotic disorder. The primary aim of the ‘Tune Up Clinic’ (Treating Unmet Needs in Psychiatry) to be piloted in this project, will be to support the delivery of an enhanced pathway for people with a psychotic disorder demonstrating cognitive symptoms, via assessment, review, and treatment of such symptoms, alongside application of routine physical health assessment in line with NICE guidelines1.

Cognitive impairment for people with a psychotic disorder is not routinely assessed or treated, despite a well-established body of evidence, that suggests it is a clinically meaningful unmet need2. Impairments in cognitive function have a major impact on long term prognosis, and lead to poor functional outcomes such as unemployment and difficulty living independently3.

The project aims to operationalise in January 2024 and is anticipated to run for 18 months.

Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd is pleased to collaborate with Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust to design and deliver a new model of care which will provide innovative approaches to the treatment of severe mental illness.


  1. NICE. Schizophrenia or Psychosis Review. https://cks.nice.org.uk/topics/psychosis-schizophrenia/management/the-routine-schizophrenia-or-psychosis-review. 2021.

  2. Bell MD, Bryson G. Work rehabilitation in schizophrenia: does cognitive impairment limit improvement? Schizophrenia Bull. 2001; 27:269–79.

  3. McCutcheon, Keefe, and Mcguire. Cognitive impairment in schizophrenia: aetiology, pathophysiology, and treatment. Mol Psychiatry 2023.


NP-GB-103873  October 2023