Animal Health

Animal Health

The Animal Health Trainee Program takes place over a period of 24 months with a focus on marketing and sales. The program can be implemented with a focus on operational marketing and sales (at Vetmedica GmbH) as well as with a focus on strategic marketing and sales (at Animal Health GmbH). The aim of the Trainee Program is to gain solid insights into marketing and sales-related topics and to develop a cross-sectoral understanding of the Animal Health business.

Vetmedica GmbH focuses on practical experience in the sales force and product management. The focus can be on the large or small animal segments. In the sales force, for example, one can be allocated an area within Germany and is responsible for product sales and customer support for a limited period of time. In product management, projects are usually assigned and completed independently. Such projects may include: Creation of marketing materials for the sales force, presentation of marketing materials at the external service conference, sales and advertising planning or the preparation of a marketing plan.

At Animal Health GmbH you can get to know the daily strategic business in global marketing and also get insights into adjacent areas of expertise such as market research. Sales-related topics can be explored in the area of Strategic & Key Account Management. Additionally, stations in Global Business Development & Licensing are also possible, where you can get an idea of New Business Development, Product Licensing and the coordination of licensing agreements.

A high level of ownership, commitment and flexibility is required for the training program in Animal Health. Furthermore, the various training stations require organizational skills and analytical thinking. Finally, good knowledge of English is required for international tasks and training programs. Possible positions after successful completion of the Trainee Program are e.g. junior product managers in marketing or regional managers in the field service.

Please check the Boehringer Ingelheim Job Portal for current listings.