Xiaotong Zhang Trainee Supply Chain Management​

Xiaotong Zhang Supply Chain Management​  Trainee experience Report ​


How is the working culture at Boehringer Ingelheim?​

It is hard to summarize the working culture in a few words, I can already see different styles and characteristics in different teams. But generally, I feel openness and enthusiasm throughout the company. Questions and ideas are always welcomed and there is always support when I need it. Everyone is self-driven to deliver the best performance while also actively maintaining the close connection and the warmth within the team. I am motivated to go to work in the morning every day!​

How was your onboarding?​

Like many others, I felt flustered and perplexed at the very beginning. But Boehringer Ingelheim provided a very well-organized onboarding. I got professional guidance and training from my supervisor, department managers, the trainee team and HR correspondingly. With these I was able to enter the role and start my career life here in the shortest time.

Why did you choose a Trainee program as an entry position?​​

The Trainee program allows me to gain a comprehensive understanding on the set-up, relations and operation procedures of BI’s product supply network through participating in different projects and tasks in different departments. Besides, the trainee program provides a step-by-step development plan, which leads me to complete the transformation from a fresh graduate to a professional manager gradually. I thought the trainee program is the best choice to start my career at Boehringer and now I can agree and insist on this opinion.​

How did you like the application process?​

The application process was clear and professional. I was informed of the timeline and actions of the whole process at the very beginning and the timeline was held. Besides, I got fair and detailed feedback shortly after the interview, which helped me to know myself better and I was also able to bring the suggestions into my career start.​

Could you give any tips for future applicants?​

Think about what you want, be yourself, and show your sparkle!​

Which additional activities does the trainee program offer?​

The trainee program also provides lots of cross-functional networking activities, trainees (current and former) from different fields and regions can exchange experience and have regular communication through these activities. In addition, the program also provides many coaching sessions to help all trainees to improve their soft skills in the workplace.​

Which of your projects/tasks were the most exciting?​

I was able to join a strategical project from the beginning of my trainee program. It is absolutely educational for me to see how a strategical decision being broken down to operational level and executed. Even more interesting is to see how typical problems pop up unexpectedly and people from different functions with their own focus and priority negotiate on the solution and at the end reach an agreement. Here I was able to have hands-on practice on project management and team management.