

As a Logistics Trainee you will get to know the various areas of logistics at your site. This may include various warehouses along the production chain of medicines, sectoral compliance, customs clearance for products to be imported into Germany, and fleet management. The main focus of your job rotations will be individually designed and will depend on the current topics. During the program, you will work on a variety of projects as a team member or project leader of an interdisciplinary project team. Possible projects could be the process improvement of the supply of packaging lines or the exchange of conveyor technology without compromising daily business. Additional questions can also be statistical evaluations of pallet movements in the warehouse to predict traffic jams on a conveyor, or the transfer of a training document to an interactive eLearning. This will give you an understanding of the logistical processes at the site.

Green Belt training is included in the logistics Trainee Program, which is an internationally recognized project management training for the Six Sigma methodology. Since logistics is an interface function, it is important to build up a broad, interdepartmental network from the outset.

If you are interested in the Logistics Trainee Program, you should have a technical background and good analytical skills in addition to a successfully completed master's degree in logistics as well as initial practical experience.

Please check the Boehringer Ingelheim Job Portal for current listings