Stroke, don’t stay at home, during COVID-19

COVID-19 lockdowns around the world saw a worrying reduction in the number of stroke hospital admissions. Yet optimal acute care in a specialized stroke unit is crucial to saving lives and preventing catastrophic disability. To ensure patients could still access urgent care safely during the pandemic, stroke units had to quickly adapt.

In 2020, the Angels Initiative worked with stroke units in countries across the globe to launch the #StrokeDontStayAtHome campaign, to highlight that urgent stroke care remains a priority during the pandemic and that, with safe care pathways, hospitals are a safe place to go and be treated.

Run by Boehringer Ingelheim in partnership with the European Stroke Organisation (ESO), the World Stroke Organization (WSO), the Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE), and many other national stroke societies, companies and health institutions, the Angels Initiative is a unique healthcare collaboration that helps hospitals become ‘stroke ready’.

Watch the documentary below to learn more. 

Critical stroke care during COVID-19 documentary