Board of Managing Directors

Boehringer Ingelheim is a family-owned company governed by the Board of Managing Directors.


Hubertus von Baumbach

Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors

Law degree and second state exam, MBA

Professional milestones

2012 – 2016     Member of the Board of Managing Directors with responsibility for Finance, Boehringer Ingelheim

2009 – 2012     Member of the Board of Managing Directors with responsibility for Finance and Animal Health, Boehringer Ingelheim

2006 – 2008     Vice President Finance, Boehringer Ingelheim Deutschland

2003 – 2005     Head of department Controlling Subsidiaries, Boehringer Ingelheim

2002 – 2003     Head of group Controlling CHC, Boehringer Ingelheim

Since 2001     Employee of Boehringer Ingelheim

Carinne Brouillon

Carinne Brouillon

Member of the Board of Managing Directors with responsibility for the Human Pharma Business Unit

*5 June 1965
Doctor of Pharmacy Degree and MBA

Professional milestones

2018 – 2019     Global Head of Therapeutic Areas, Boehringer Ingelheim

2014 – 2018     Head of Global Commercial Strategy Neuroscience at Janssen, Johnson & Johnson’s Pharmaceutical Company

2012 – 2018     President of Janssen Therapeutics and Member of the Janssen North America Leadership Team

1997 – 2012     Various positions in sales, marketing and general management at Johnson & Johnson, EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa)

Dr Michel Pairet

Dr Michel Pairet

Member of the Board of Managing Directors with responsibility for the Innovation Unit

*17 June 1959
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Professional milestones

2012 – 2015     Corporate Senior Vice President Global Research and non-clinical Development, Boehringer Ingelheim

2010 – 2012     Head of Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund, Boehringer Ingelheim

2007 – 2010     Corporate Senior Vice President Research, Boehringer Ingelheim

2004 – 2007     Head of Research Site Germany, Boehringer Ingelheim

1997 – 2004     Head of department Respiratory Research, Boehringer Ingelheim

Jean Scheftsik de Szolnok

Jean Scheftsik de Szolnok

Member of the Board of Managing Directors with responsibility for the Animal Health business

*2 August 1963
Master in private and business law (University Bordeaux)
Aspirant by 1st Regiment of Parachute Cavalry (Tarbes)
Executive education INSEAD (Paris)
Geprüfter Pharmareferent (IHK Ulm)

Professional milestones

2017 – 2019     Country Management Director France - Boehringer Ingelheim

2016 – 2017     Corporate Senior Vice President Human Pharma Regions - Boehringer Ingelheim

2015 – 2016     Corporate Senior Vice President Human Pharma Japan/USA/Canada - Boehringer Ingelheim

2013 – 2015     Corporate Vice President Europe - Boehringer Ingelheim

2010 – 2013     Corporate Vice President Southern Europe – Boehringer Ingelheim

1987 – 2010     Various General Manager positions at Boehringer Ingelheim in Canada, Belgium, France, Germany

Michael Schmelmer

Michael Schmelmer

Member of the Board of Managing Directors with responsibility for Finance & Group Functions

*17 June 1964
Master Degree in Aerospace Technologies and Mechanical Engineering, Master Degree in Industrial Engineering

Professional milestones

2016 – today     Founder and Managing Director of BI X, the digital lab of Boehringer Ingelheim

2012 – 2017     CIO, Corporate Senior Vice President Information Technology, Boehringer Ingelheim

2006 – 2012     Corporate Vice President IT & CIO, Infineon AG

2003 – 2006     Vice President IT Business Transformation, Infineon AG

2000 – 2003     Vice President Logistics & Supply Chain Management IT Systems, Infineon AG

1999 – 2000     Senior Director of Supply Chain Management Competence Center IT, Infineon AG