Joining forces against COVID-19

While the global challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic are massive, so are the several good examples of corporate citizenship arising all over the world – also in Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health. From supporting fundraising to fostering innovative telemedicine; from collaborating with others to boosting scientific exchange online, our colleagues have been engaged in plenty of initiatives to prove that the slogan “we are in this together” is way more than a popular hashtag on social media.


A good example comes from France. In light of growing doubts regarding the well-being of animals in times of movement restrictions, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health partnered with SantéVet, a French leader in pet insurance, to organize free webinars for local veterinarians. Echoing the voice of both farmers and pet owners, they were especially concerned about preventive medicine. How could a proper vaccination calendar be kept during the pandemic? How could emergencies be addressed in times of confinement?

Director of Veterinary Training at SantéVet Ludovic Freyburger stepped in to offer insights on the state-of-the-art debates coming from researchers of four different veterinary schools and the members of the Group of Studies in Preventive Medicine (GEMP) of the French Association of Veterinarians for Companion Animals (AFVAC). The discussion shed a lot of light on how to promote best practices, and having been recorded and published online, it was vastly liked and commented on social media. 

“We wanted to react very quickly and provide veterinarians with the answers they were waiting for during the time of this sanitary crisis. Almost a thousand French veterinarians attended the two webinars, which is a concrete proof that practitioners trust us and that we must continue to provide them with all the needed local support during this difficult period,” shares Jean-François Ravier, Scientific Technical Director for Pet Vet at Boehringer Ingelheim France.

Telemedicine brings vets closer 

Boehringer Ingelheim United Kingdom also stepped up innovative collaborations thanks to technology. By partnering with VetHelpDirect, it offered all UK veterinary practices free access to an online video consultation platform for a period of three months.

Offering an alternative to face-to-face consultations, the online platform provides a means to continue to care for animals while protecting both clients and vet practice staff and still maintaining revenue streams. For example, patients can be triaged to determine whether they actually need to be seen, and post-operative checks can be performed.
The system can be used by clients on most smart phones or tablet devices. Clients can book online or receive a link by the practice, and the payment is taken online before the consultation commences. The initiative is part of Boehringer Ingelheim’s commitment to continue to support and protect pet owners and their pets as well as understanding the needs of veterinary professionals. 

Close to those in COVID-19 frontlines

Exchange, information and excellence are coming in all forms. In the UK, for example, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health also joined the “Equestrian Relief”, an urgent fundraising campaign to raise money and change lives, with donations going directly to support National Health System (NHS) professionals fighting COVID-19 on the frontlines. Leading Olympic riders from across the disciplines, as well as horseracing jockeys and celebrities have participated in the initiative.

“We are very happy to innovate, share resources and join forces wherever possible to offer our contribution. We strongly believe that better health can be achieved not only by the best products and practices, but also by working together with the rest of the global community,” says Evelyn Murphy, Senior Brand Manager Pet Vet at Boehringer Ingelheim United Kingdom.