Pet care in the digital age

Cats, dogs, and other pets can be family members, trusted companions – and they are also part of a large global industry. The pet market is highly dynamic, consumer driven, and it reflects the increasingly important role pets play in the lives of people. Find out more about the latest pet trends around the world in the fourth chapter of the Market Trends 2020 Series.

Pet care in the digital age

Veterinary telemedicine – a trend on the fast track

As COVID-19 has spread around the world and a multitude of countries instituted lockdowns, more and more pet owners have demanded the option to have appointments with their vet remotely, via video and text. Health authorities have responded by lowering the hurdles for the introduction of veterinary telemedicine.

In the US, veterinarians are now able to diagnose diseases as well as prescribe medication based on a virtual check-up – measures that were previously only possible after physical examination. This is an enormous leap forward in one of the largest animal health markets worldwide. Many European countries like Germany, France, or the UK are following suit, looking at ways to integrate telemedicine into their healthcare systems. China and Japan are also highly interested. 

Towards integrated pet care

With the accelerated adoption of telemedicine, veterinary check-ups may become much more convenient in the future. Our own PetPro Tele+TM allows mobile-to-mobile appointments between veterinarians and pet owners. As it is not integrated with a practice management system, people can start using it within minutes.

More comprehensive integrated pet health platforms are also on the rise. Our own digital platform PetPro ConnectTM exemplifies this development, connecting pet owners not only to their veterinary clinic, but also to service providers such as groomers or kennels. The future of pet care is digital, and it’s integrated. 

Do unto your pet…

Not only are healthcare options for pets becoming more versatile. Their role in society is also changing. “Over the last few decades the pet has moved from the backyard to the home and even into some owners’ eating and sleeping spaces,” shares Oscar Mendoza-Vega, Head of Analytics, Insights and Marketing Excellence at Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health. 66 percent of pet owners today consider their pet a fully-fledged family member. “This means that pet owners today want their pets to have the same quality of life they themselves enjoy. Which leads to a process called pet humanization,” adds Oscar.

Tracking and customizing for better health 

To enhance the lives of their pets as they do their own, pet owners again turn to technology – 56 percent of pet owners already own tech just for their pets1. This trend is bound to become more dynamic. Pet owners use wearables and apps for identification and tracking, to monitor their pet’s behavior (this goes as far as sensors in a cat’s litter box), as well as to evaluate their level of fitness through apps. 

Another trend to keep pets healthy is a high quality diet: “A double digit percentage of pet owners today say that they give their pet better food than they themselves eat1!” exclaims Oscar. This goes especially for customized food to further improve health benefits. Willingness among pet owners to invest money in their pets’ medical and preventive care has also increased noticeably. 

Lifelong care

“Today, there is a stronger focus on lifelong care for pets: on promoting their health and wellbeing as well as regular examination and the use of parasiticides,” says Saskia Kley, Global Head of Therapeutic Pet Vet at Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health. As a result, an increased number of cats and dogs reach older ages. This also increases the development of chronic diseases previously primarily important in human health. Examples are obesity, diabetes, and cancer. The management of chronic diseases and changes of lifestyle therefore become more and more important. “The focus at this stage may not necessarily be on curing the disease, but on the pets’ well-being and quality of life. Pets need not suffer as they age, especially when their owners and vets work together to manage their health carefully,” shares Saskia. 

In all these different trends, there is one common theme: Pets are becoming healthier, their well-being more important, and they are now center stage in many families. The future for pets is bright!


1Data on file

Animal Health: Our Responsibility

Circular economy towards the future

As resources and land are becoming scarcer, Boehringer Ingelheim uses eco-design to shape and develop animal health products with an improved environmental profile.
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