Travelling with dogs

Summer is already knocking at the door, and nearly everyone is thinking about their vacation. Polling firm Forsa1 confirms that about 42 per cent of pet owners take their dogs with them on vacation – clearly, we don’t want our four-legged friends to miss out on the fun. But what are some of the things we should consider when traveling with dogs? Here are four tips for a relaxing trip with your furry companion.


Travelling with dogs

Tip 1: Plan in breaks

Whether driving or flying, going camping or taking a hike – it’s important to take your dog’s well-being into account at all times. That's why trips should be broken into short stages, allowing for adequate breaks to give both the dog and the owner the chance to stretch their legs.

Tip 2: Keep them hydrated

Dogs should always be given lots of drinking water, especially on hot summer days, because they regulate their body temperature through their mouths, tongues, noses and paws. Make sure they drink water regularly and that they have plenty of shade.

Tip 3: Safe transportation

A properly sized travel crate or a safety belt specially designed for dogs can save your pet’s life in an emergency. So make sure that your pet is safely restrained while travelling.

Tip 4: Don’t forget the first-aid kit

Always keep a first-aid kit handy. A well-stocked first‑aid kit is one of the most important items on any travel checklist. In addition to antiseptic and bandages, the kit should always include flea and tick protection. A universal, compact tick removal tool suited for both humans and animals can also be useful on vacation. Ask your veterinarian or preferred pharmacy for more information on stocking your animal-friendly first-aid kit.

Travel checklist

Take a look at this checklist which provides a comprehensive ans useful overview of the essentials you may wish to consider before the journey.
