17 September 2021 World Patient Safety Day

World Patient Safety Day on 17 September is a World Health Organization campaign (World Patient Safety Day 2021 (who.int)), that supports the goal of improving global understanding of patient safety. Boehringer Ingelheim joins forces with the WHO to promote patient safety worldwide!

Boehringer Ingelheim is passionate about patient safety worldwide and has developed several activities for World Patient Safety Day 

We are taking part in the WHO's call to light up buildings in orange and will be illuminating prominent Boehringer Ingelheim buildings in Ingelheim, Biberach and other locations around the globe in orange during the evening hours on 17 September 2021! 

Together with German association of research-based pharmaceutical companies (vfa) and several other pharmaceutical companies, Boehringer Ingelheim has developed the concept for an exciting discussion round entitled "Drug safety in focus - why it is important to report side effects". Questions will include "How does drug safety work?" or "What is a benefit-risk assessment? And why is it needed at all? ".

Participants in the panel include: 

  • Andreas Herdt (Adipositaschirurgie-Selbsthilfe Deutschland e.V.)
  • Dr. Miriam Schlangen (Mukoviszidose e.V.)
  • Dr. Ruth Hecker (Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit e.V.)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Storz (Takeda Pharma Vertrieb GmbH)
  • Dr. Dirk Mentzer (Paul Ehrlich Institute)
  • Moderator Christiane Poertgen (journalist)

Why exactly is there pharmacovigilance?

We are particularly proud of a video produced by the Boehringer Ingelheim junior company explaining what pharmacovigilance is and why it is important. In the junior company, our trainees develop projects independently and carry them out from start to finish.

Join us and get involved in patient safety! We hope that one of our activities interests you.

Patient Safety
Patient Centricity

Patient Safety

Our commitment to patient safety.
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