
68 Result(s)
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A Unique Bond: human and animal health

A Unique Bond: human and animal health

At Boehringer Ingelheim we are dedicated to animal and human health. We celebrate the truly unique bonds between people and their pets.
More Health Overview

More Health Overview

Working at the intersection of human and animal health, we have unique opportunities to positively impact vulnerable populations.
Labor & Human Rights

Labor & Human Rights

Suppliers shall support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
Retinal health

Retinal health

We are looking for new early-science collaborations and invite you to join our expanding community of innovation partners in Retinal Health.
Guardians for health

Guardians for health

sA global initiative to reduce mortality, cardiovascular and kidney complications in type 2 diabetes through adherence to clinical guideline.
Our Approach

Our Approach

We are driven by the desire to improve human and animal health -– now and in the future. Therefore, we have developed our framework: Sustainable Development – For Generations.
Collaboration Driving Innovation

Collaboration Driving Innovation

In conversation with Dr. Megan Grether, Global Head of Business Development & Licensing, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health.
BI Access to Healthcare Strategy_Availability

BI Access to Healthcare Strategy_Availability

Boehringer Ingelheim aspires to be a leader in ensuring improved access by delivering More Health to humans, animals and communities around the world. Read more about our holistic approach, based on partnerships and local empowerment.
„More Health”: Dla ludzi i zwierząt

„More Health”: Dla ludzi i zwierząt

Dowiedz się więcej o długofalowym przedsięwzięciu zdrowotnym „More Health”, mającym na celu poprawę zdrowia ludzi na całym świecie.
Equestrian sports technology

Equestrian sports technology

Learn about new trends in equine health and get insights into the human-horse relationship!
More Potential Overview

More Potential Overview

Working at the intersection of human and animal health, we have unique opportunities to positively impact vulnerable populations.
Our Partnering Culture

Our Partnering Culture

We embrace the power of partnerships and alliances to find even more breakthrough therapies that change lives.
Behind the Lab

Behind the Lab

Delve behind the lab to see how our Retinal Health scientists are spearheading research into novel therapeutics to treat retinopathies.
Stem cells a new frontier

Stem cells a new frontier

Stem cells may be a game changer for the development of new veterinary treatments. Read this story to find out why.
Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators

Performance indicators concerning Environment Health and Safety (EHS) are summarized here.
Advancing regenerative medicine

Advancing regenerative medicine

Strategic partnerships play a key role in helping the company accelerate the next generation of breakthroughs.
Bigger role in ensuring food security

Bigger role in ensuring food security

As the world population is projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050, animal health becomes fundamental to ensure both animal well-being and global protein supply.
Let’s meet the challenge

Let’s meet the challenge

Together with our partners around the world, we are working on new and innovative solutions for unmet medical need in animal health.
Contact us

Contact us

Find all our contact information here about our BD&L team.
Partnering Vanderbilt WCNDD

Partnering Vanderbilt WCNDD

Boehringer Ingelheim and the Warren Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery are partnering to find new medicines for patients with neuropsychiatric disorders.