MORE GREEN: Environmental sustainability at a glance 

Boehringer Ingelheim is aiming to become carbon neutral in company operations, and is significantly reducing its environmental footprint throughout the value chain by 2030. This is the commitment of our global environmental sustainability program MORE GREEN, as part of our “Sustainable Development – For Generations” framework. 

For us, a healthy environment is a prerequisite to allow all generations to live life to the fullest. Environmental degradation not only aggravates existing health issues, but also creates new challenges. Therefore, upholding our environmental responsibility is integral part of our aim to enable better health that transforms lives for generations. We are committed to doing our part – and strive to continue our progress worldwide. 

Through MORE GREEN, Boehringer Ingelheim strives to become even more environmentally sustainable, by continuously working towards minimizing the company’s environmental footprint.


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„More Green”: Informacje ogólne

Nasz filar „MORE GREEN” obejmuje przedsięwzięcia na rzecz ochrony środowiska uwzględniające wiele różnych aspektów.
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