
141 Result(s)
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Our Commitment

Our Commitment

We want to create value in areas of unmet medical need and engage with communities and society to improve lives – for humans and animals.
Our Contribution

Our Contribution

Humanity is facing serious challenges. We believe we can always do more – for ourselves and for the generations to come.
Our Partnering Culture

Our Partnering Culture

We embrace the power of partnerships and alliances to find even more breakthrough therapies that change lives.
Our Approach

Our Approach

We are driven by the desire to improve human and animal health -– now and in the future. Therefore, we have developed our framework: Sustainable Development – For Generations.
Inovação na Saúde Animal

Inovação na Saúde Animal

Animal Health Global Innovation Our Global Innovation team pioneers the science that helps veterinarians, pet and livestock owners and public health officials around the world improve animal health today and in the future. We work collaboratively with our


indicated for the treatment and prevention of fleas, ticks and chewing lice in dogs and cats, and aids in the control of sarcoptic mange in dogs.


Na Global Innovation, trabalhamos em vacinas seguras e eficazes para animais de companhia e gado. Reunimos uma vasta experiência em vacinologia, biologia molecular, bioprocessos, ensaios e desenvolvimento clínico.
Mais ambientalismo: pelo nosso planeta

Mais ambientalismo: pelo nosso planeta

At Boehringer Ingelheim, “Sustainable Development – For Generations” is about a journey. One that started in 1885 and one that we hope, and believe


Read about Boehringer Ingelheim's Global Innovation and expertise in parasiticides for companion animals and cattle such as cats, dogs or horses.
A nossa responsabilidade

A nossa responsabilidade

One of the most important elements at Boehringer Ingelheim is our responsibility to protecting the connection between human, animal and environmental health.
O Processo de Investigação

O Processo de Investigação

A key part of our mission is to discover or identify new compounds, vaccines, technologies, disease processes, and infectious agents.


We develop leading solutions for the wellbeing of horses in immunology, parasitology, gastric and metabolic health.
Boehringer Ingelheim | Life Forward

Boehringer Ingelheim | Life Forward

Alguns dos nossos colegas contam as suas histórias pessoais e o que os motiva a contribuírem para um futuro melhor para as gerações vindouras.
Rabisin® / Imrab®

Rabisin® / Imrab®

Rabisin® is used for the active immunisation of dogs and cats to reduce mortality and clinical signs due to rabies infection.