We welcome your comments and posts and look forward to a dialogue about science and health as well as our shared commitment to improve the lives of humans and animals.

Please understand that we operate in a regulated industry and we deal with very serious topics, so we have to follow strict rules when administrating our social media pages. We don't want to censor your content, but we may have to remove your comments or posts from our social media pages for a few reasons, including:

If your comment discusses a product: Our social media pages are not the best places to discuss technical questions about specific pharmaceutical products, nor are they intended as a method of reporting adverse events (side effects) or complaints about any Boehringer Ingelheim product.

Please report any adverse events or product complaints for Animal Health medications by calling 1800 808 691 (if you live in Australia) or 0800 800 822 (if you live in New Zealand).

Please report any adverse events or product complaints for our Human Pharma medications by calling 1800 226 315 (if you live in Australia) or 0800 802 461 (if you live in New Zealand).

It is our obligation to follow-up on any reports of adverse events associated with our medicines. If your post includes an adverse event or product complaint, it will be deleted and we will forward it to our Medical or Veterinary team. You may be contacted by someone from our Medical or Veterinary team for additional information.

If your comment offers or discusses medical advice. We understand that you may be seeking information about a condition, or have some valuable information to share with others, but we cannot discuss individual's medical conditions, or give professional medical or veterinary advice on this page. Given the personal nature of healthcare and the regulations that govern our industry, we cannot allow others to post medical or veterinary advice to the community. As always, we recommend that you contact your healthcare provider or veterinarian for answers to questions or medical advice.

If the tone or content in your comment is inappropriate. We have created our social communities as a place to learn more about science and health and to share news and information about Boehringer Ingelheim. We ask that you treat each other with respect. Your post will be removed if it contains vulgar, libelous, defamatory, discriminatory or other inappropriate language, or personal attacks of any kind. We may also have to remove your post if it violates copyright or intellectual property laws. Boehringer Ingelheim does not represent or endorse users' comments and posts on our social media pages.

If your comment is off-topic. It goes without saying, but we would like to keep the conversations on-topic. If you have something to share that is off-topic, please send us a direct message about the topic you'd like us to discuss.

Other considerations. There may be other scenarios not explicitly spelled out on this page that may require us to delete or hide a post. We will do our best to let you know why your post has been deleted, and we'll update these rules when new situations arise.

Thank you for visiting our social media pages.

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