He’s my dog, I’m his human

Getting a Guide Dog was a life-changing moment for Lucy, who lost her sight in a car accident as a teenager. A passionate horse lover with big dreams, Lucy's world was suddenly altered, but her Guide Dog Mickey has brought newfound independence. Mickey has empowered Lucy to pursue her university study in psychology and neuroscience, and her goals in the equestrian arena.

lucy coates and horse

Most ambitious of these goals is Lucy’s dream to compete at the 2028 Los Angeles Paralympics as a para-equestrian dressage rider. “It’s a big goal, but I’m working really hard,” says Lucy. “I train 5 times a week.” In her pursuit of this Olympic dream, Lucy finds comfort in knowing her Guide Dog Mickey is right there by her side. Mickey assists Lucy as she gets to and from her local equestrian centre and navigates the stables, and provides invaluable moral support and companionship, watching patiently as Lucy rides her horse Ruby and greeting her after each ride.

Given the important role Guide Dogs play in empowering people with low vision or blindness like Lucy to pursue their goals, it is essential Guide Dogs remain healthy and protected from parasites and infectious diseases. Boehringer Ingelheim is proud to support and enhance the health and wellbeing of Guide Dogs through the ongoing provision of vaccines and parasite protection, including NexGard SPECTRA®, for all Guide Dogs puppies and adult dogs across Australia. This partnership ensures Guide Dogs like Mickey can continue to empower people like Lucy to pursue their goals and live their lives independently, with confidence.

lucy coates with her dog and her horse
Lucy leads her brown horse Ruby through her local equestrian centre, guided by her black Labrador Guide Dog Mickey.


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