Keith's Journey with Heart of Australia

Living in rural and remote areas comes with its own set of challenges, and access to specialised medical care is one of them. Keith Shoecraft, a 73-year-old resident of Theodore, a small town in south-east Queensland, has experienced firsthand the difficulties of obtaining quality healthcare while living in a remote location.

Keith Shoecraft Theodore resident

A Lifeline for Rural Health

Keith’s family settled in Theodore over 70 years ago, and he has been an integral part of the community ever since. Growing up on a dairy farm, Keith has worn many hats over the years, from cattle farming to engineering and driving the local school bus. However, his health hasn’t always been smooth sailing.

“Years ago, I had a spontaneous spinal abscess that almost took my life,” recalls Keith. “I ended up in intensive care in Rockhampton, 2.5 hours away.” Recently, Keith’s health concerns have shifted to his heart, requiring him to make regular visits to Brisbane, over 500km away, for vital heart checks and treatment.

Fortunately, Heart of Australia has emerged as a champion for bringing city-level healthcare to rural and remote areas. Keith's life took a positive turn when Heart of Australia started visiting Theodore with their mobile medical clinics. After being referred by his local GP, Keith began receiving treatment from Dr. Rolf Gomes, a cardiologist and the founder of Heart of Australia. Keith considers this a life-changing development.

NextGen Medics: a game-changer for communities

Dr. Rolf Gomes founded Heart of Australia in 2014, aiming to provide all Australians with equal access to high-quality healthcare. Since its inception, the organisation has treated over 16,000 patients across nearly 50 rural and remote communities, making a significant difference in people's lives.

Boehringer Ingelheim supports Heart of Australia’s Next Gen Medics program, which sees 20 medical and allied health students hit the road with Dr Gomes and the heart trucks each year.

Heart of Australia staff
Welcoming the next generation of rural health workers

By targeting rural and indigenous communities across Queensland, the NextGen Medics program relates to a key objective of Boehringer Ingelheim: contribute towards eliminating health disparities around the globe. Through our Sustainable Development – For Generations framework, we are committed to improving access to healthcare for 50 million people in vulnerable communities by 2030.

