Dirk Esser

Escolhemos a Boehringer Ingelheim 

Dirk Esser’s A história da Boehringer Ingelheim de uma pessoa. 

Dirk Esser


Dirk Esser (00:07)

I joined Boehringer Ingelheim 12 years ago in my first role as a Health Economist. I joined various teams in different therapeutic areas in different market access roles, eventually became a team leader, and have now been focusing on mental health for the last three years.

Dirk Esser (00:22)

I work in the corporate center in Ingelheim in Germany. One of the most fascinating things about the sites is that it's so diverse. It's really a sense of buzzing activity that you get in this site, and that is what I find really fascinating.

Dirk Esser (00:38)

We've always had very innovative research scientists that were able to identify candidates that we could bring forward to a stage, where we from the commercial functions, eventually, also were able to be innovative and ambitious to bring these assets to market. But that comes with a sense of humility and a recognition of that tremendous privilege that we have in addressing some of the most pressing healthcare needs across the world.

Dirk Esser (01:07)

When we think about career development at Boehringer Ingelheim it's really a dialogue between you, your supervisor, and the broader team that's at the basis of it, where we establish what your aspirations are, and then we discuss how Boehringer Ingelheim might be able to help you achieve those goals. Perhaps that's staying in your current role and developing further. Perhaps that's going to a different function. Perhaps that's going to a different country.

Dirk Esser (01:32)

But it's that ongoing dialogue and the open feedback culture that is really at the center of our career development discussions. The best thing about working for Boehringer Ingelheim is just that tremendous opportunity that you have to improve people's lives across the world.

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