Social media community guidelines



We welcome your comments and look forward to connecting with you about innovation and our commitment to bring more health to humans, animals and communities across Canada. As we operate in a regulated industry, we must follow the set of guidelines below when administrating our pages.

• Boehringer Ingelheim Canada Ltd. and Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Canada Inc. do not represent or endorse users’ comments and posts on these pages, except for those posted by Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health (Canada) Ltd or Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Canada Inc.

• Boehringer Ingelheim Canada Ltd. and Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Canada Inc. reserve the right to remove any posts and comments at its sole discretion.

• A comment will be removed if it contains vulgar, libelous, defamatory, discriminatory or inappropriate language, or if it violates copyright or intellectual property laws.

• The information posted by Boehringer Ingelheim Canada Ltd. and Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Canada Inc. on our channels are intended for Canadian residents only.

• These channels are not intended as a forum to discuss technical queries regarding specific pharmaceutical products, medical conditions or as a substitute for professional medical advice.

• These pages are not intended as a method of reporting adverse events or product complaints for any Boehringer Ingelheim product. Please report any human adverse events or product complaints to the Medical Information team by calling 1-800-263-5103 x 84633. Please report any animal adverse events or product complaints to or phone 1-877-565-5501.

For Facebook’s community standards, please visit:

For Twitter’s rules and policies, please visit:

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