The Type 2 Spark Innovation Challenge


Sometimes healthcare’s biggest challenges don’t require the biggest solutions, just the “spark” of a good idea to make an impact. Such is the case with a unique initiative for people living with type 2 diabetes (T2D) in British Columbia.

The Type 2 Spark Innovation Challenge encourages innovation, collaboration and change in approaches to addressing T2D in British Columbia. Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Canada and presented in partnership with Interior Health and the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan Campus (UBCO) Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, the initiative provides an opportunity for healthcare professionals, allied health professionals, researchers, and technology partners to look at the challenges of T2D and design innovative solutions with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes.

The Challenge features a live pitch event in front of an expert judging panel. Last year the top prize was awarded to Dr. Jonathan Little in support of Remission Possible, a website where people living with T2D can find credible information and resources about remission. A second prize was awarded to the Southern Interior YMCA, to support its Lifestyle Coaching for Diabetes Prevention program, aimed at educating at-risk members living with pre-diabetes about healthy lifestyle strategies.

This collaboration is an example of the power of partnership and diversity of minds across the life-science community to realize even more scientific opportunities. The team is busy working on a 2024 edition of Spark 2.0 and supporting even more innovative solutions to helping those living with T2D.

For more information, please contact the project lead.