Psoriasis pustuleux généralisé

Le psoriasis pustuleux généralisé (GPP) est une forme très particulière et rare de psoriasis. Il se caractérise par des pustules jaunâtres généralisées à l'ensemble du corps. L'état général est altéré avec de la fièvre et souvent des atteintes articulaires. L'évolution est parfois grave, pouvant menacer le pronostic vital.1

The inflammation that causes the formation of pustules results from a disruption of the immune system which attacks its own skin cells. It is an autoimmune mechanism. 2

The course of the disease is unpredictable. You can have an isolated flare-up of psoriasis and never hear about it again or only present new lesions several years later. Most of the time, the symptoms reappear on the occasion of a stress, a change of life, a period of fatigue or an associated illness 1


1.  DERMATO-INFO, Le Psoriasis  - Consulted in January 2022

2.  Pustular psoriasis: what is it and how to treat it? - Accessed January 2022