Julia – Trainee Global Quality​

Julia Trainee Global Quality​ Experience Report ​


How was your onboarding?​

My onboarding was composed of several onboardings at the same time – onboarding to the company, onboarding to the Trainee Circle and onboarding to the team and my first activities. I enjoyed being able to sign in for some general onboarding events independently while others were based on personal meetings. Becoming part of the Trainee Circle early on helped me to get an idea of what I can expect from the first few months at Boehringer Ingelheim. ​

Why did you choose a Trainee program as an entry position?​

The Trainee Program gives me the opportunity to explore several jobs and even different areas/departments before deciding on where I want to stay and work in the future. Coming out of a research environment, this was particularly important to me, because I couldn’t understand what most jobs are about just from the job announcement. With every rotation I do, I become more and more familiar with different job functions, but also clear about what is important for me in my future job despite the area I would like to work in.​

How did you like the application process?​

I remember that I had one long online interview and an assessment center on site a few weeks afterwards. I particularly liked that the date of the assessment center was already mentioned in the job announcement, because it is not always easy to plan short-dated when you are applying out of another job. The atmosphere at the assessment center was also comfortable, but of course I was a little nervous anyway 😊 ​

Could you give any tips for future applicants?​

Make sure that you find out whether the company fits to you during the application process. You should choose whether you want to work at a particular company independent of the company’s decision. Use the time to talk to current trainees/employees.​

Which additional activities does the Trainee Program offer?​

There is a lot on offer, it depends on you in how many activities you would like to be involved. We (the Trainee Circle) organize ourselves, so if you have an idea for a new activity, go ahead. Regular activities at the moment include leadership talks, alumni talks, trainee days, alumni event, after work activities, trainee lunches, seminars.​

Which of your projects/tasks were the most exciting?​

I have done two rotations so far; both were exciting in different ways. Two more rotations are planned already and likewise I think that both will be great, because in the end I chose all my rotations by myself (together with my mentor). One of my next rotations will be in Fremont (California), so this will be indeed exciting in many ways, I guess.