Max Roeder Trainee Supply Chain Management​

Max Roeder Trainee Supply Chain Management​ Experience Report ​


How is the working culture at Boehringer Ingelheim?​

Open minded is the key culture at Boehringer Ingelheim. Questions are always welcome, and teamwork is a continuous part of everyday worklife. Boehringer Ingelheim is a vibrant environment to grow together with your teams and your ideas as well as with your co-workers.​

How was your onboarding?​

The onboarding is well organized, and a warm welcome is standard. The open culture at Boehringer Ingelheim helps a lot to get to know your future colleagues. From time-to-time guided site tours are part of the onboarding in the Global Supply Chain department. Within the Trainee Circle you get the chance to reach out to your trainee fellows and collect a broad overview about the other sites, other trainee programs and insights about Boehringer Ingelheim. ​

Why did you choose a Trainee program as an entry position?​

The Trainee Program for Supply Chain Management at Boehringer Ingelheim offers a broad overview about the different Supply Chain departments as well as the product related information. Furthermore, as a Trainee you get insights not only in your field of working. A continuous exchange with related departments and rotations offers the opportunities to have a look in various topics related to Supply Chain topics at Boehringer Ingelheim. ​

How did you like the application process?​

At most I liked the transparency of the application process. You are always well informed about the next steps and timelines ahead. The process itself was well organized and structed and I had the feeling that Boehringer Ingelheim has a deeper interest about me as a person. ​

Could you give any tips for future applicants?​

Be as you are! Show yourself in an authentic way. ​

Which additional activities does the trainee program offer?​

Beside several events like Alumni Days, Trainee days and Social Calls the program offers multiple trainings like Change Management, Negotiation in Projects etc. Those trainings prepare the Trainees for their future work at Boehringer Ingelheim and offer fields of development throughout the Trainee journey.  ​

Which of your projects/tasks were the most exciting?​

Every rotation brings his own challenges with. For me the most exciting benefit is to work across several departments on multiple projects. The projects can be support in daily business questions as well as digitalization projects throughout the Supply Chain departments. ​