Samantha Trainee Global Medicine​

Samantha Trainee Medicine​ Experience Report ​


How is the working culture at BI? ​

The working culture at BI is something I enjoy very much. It is very friendly and open. That means I can reach out to anyone to ask for help, share my ideas or to just hear about their projects – everyone enjoys going for a coffee break from time to time.​

How was your onboarding?​

My onboarding went very well. Since I started in December with the holiday season coming up, I had a very fun start with some great events to meet everyone. There was a Christmas party in my department and a Christmas Market event on the BI campus. On the more serious side, I had several welcome to BI meetings, which were very helpful and covered all the questions I had. ​

Why did you choose a Trainee program as an entry position?​

From the very beginning of my job search, it was clear to me that I wanted to do a trainee program. Although I knew I wanted to work in the medicine division of a pharmaceutical company, I did not know exactly in what function, so the trainee program was perfect for me. Having the opportunity to explore different areas of the global medicine departments and work with different teams is very valuable to me. ​​

How did you like the application process? ​

I was extremely pleased with the process. Applications can be very nerve wracking, but the recruiters were very friendly and we had an easy going conversation making me feel comfortable. I was grateful that the recruiters were in contact via phone with me regularly to communicate updates and the timelines clearly. Just before the assessment center, the communication was also very clear allowing me to prepare accordingly. My favorite part though was the assessment center dinner, where I had the chance to engage with senior management and get to know more about BI in a relaxed setting. ​

Could you give any tips for future applicants?​

I think it is very important to reflect on yourself thoroughly before the interviews. Ask yourself what your strengths and weaknesses are, what you are passionate about and what experiences have you gone through that shaped you to become the ideal candidate. Also don’t forget that while BI is interviewing you, you should interview BI at the same time to figure out for yourself whether this job is a good fit. ​​

Which additional activities does the trainee program offer?​

The trainee program offers many additional activities due to the trainee circle. We get together to organize events and initiatives. These range from lunches, to seminars, alumni talks, talks with senior leaders, and of course after work drinks. I value this a lot because it gives me the chance to connect with like-minded people who are also just starting their first job at BI. I have learned so much about BI and its different functions by talking to the other trainees, even those in the US.​

Which of your projects/tasks were the most exciting?​

Recently, I got to experience my first psychiatry congress in Paris, where I was helping at the BI booth talking to HCP about our approach in psychiatry. I also learned a lot from them, hearing about their experiences treating psychiatric illnesses. Besides the booth activities, I had a bit of time to visit lectures and learn about cutting edge research in the disease areas I am working on. ​