Marketing & Sales

Marketing & Sales

The 2,5 year Trainee Program in Marketing & Sales gives you the opportunity to explore the various work areas of local Marketing and Sales, Business Analysis, and Customer Engagement in the form of six-month job rotations. The majority of rotations will take place at the headquarter in Ingelheim, Germany. As part of the program, you also have the possibility to complete one rotation in the global unit or at an international location for up to three month. You will have guidance by a colleague from the department and a professional experienced mentor for the entire duration of the program.​ Furthermore the education to become a certified pharmaceutical representative by the IHK is part of the program.

The aim of the Marketing & Sales Trainee Program is to provide an end-to-end understanding of Boehringers marketing and sales processes. As a result, you will be prepared for possible future managing positions in marketing or sales force. Your personal development is always at the heart of the program. In this you will be supported both within and beyond the rotations.

In addition, the program provides the opportunity to develop soft skills by participating in seminars and exchanging ideas regularly within the trainee circle and your assigned mentor. You will be able to build up a cross-functional network and prepare for your further career at BI as best as possible.​

In order to part-take in the marketing & sales trainee program you should have a master’s degree in business administration with a focus on marketing, or a natural science background and additional knowledge of business administration. Initial experience in marketing and sales such as internships, ideally in a pharmaceutical company, as well as some time spent living abroad in the context of studies or work will further aid your application. You should be motivated, using your intercultural skills and cross-functional working style to pursue challenging goals and strive to deliver impressive results. Having an analytical mind-set, being a good communicator and dedicated worker who enjoys taking on responsibility and develop sophisticated concepts makes your profile complete.

Recruitment for the program takes place if required. Please check the Boehringer Ingelheim Job Portal for current listings.​