Innovation Through Cooperation

Collaborative work between pharmaceutical companies and healthcare representatives is an essential aspect of developing new drugs and innovative treatment methods. Boehringer Ingelheim also relies on and fosters this form of collaboration for the benefit of patients.

Pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals regularly exchange information in order to learn from one another and improve patient care. This ongoing dialog enables pharmaceutical manufacturers like Boehringer Ingelheim to incorporate field results into their own research, while also providing treatment options, patient programs, and other benefits to healthcare professionals.

Building Dialog

The exchange of information between pharmaceutical manufacturers and healthcare professionals takes place over four levels.1 The partners hold consultancy meetings (Level 1) or meet on other occasions (Level 2). They may also share knowledge at conferences or other events (Level 3) and on corporate advisory boards (Level 4).

Working Together for Improvement

Pharmaceutical manufacturers and healthcare professionals work together in a variety of ways. These may include sharing best clinical practice, designing and conducting clinical studies, and providing patient programs. The individual partners involved are also committed to raising awareness of the topics of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. They thus work together to shape the future of clinical research.

Working Together for Patients

Collaboration between pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals serves to continuously improve the standards of medical care. First and foremost, it benefits patients by creating new treatments that help improve their quality or life or even heal their disease.


  1. EFPIA – Disclosure Code Infographics pack