Collaborating with RDA in the UK

The Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) provides therapy, achievement and enjoyment to people with disabilities all over the UK. Their network of 500 volunteer groups organise activities such as riding, carriage driving, vaulting and show jumping to over 25,000 people each year.

First Horse Proud AnneMitchell

Boehringer Ingelheim has been providing the flu and flu-tetanus vaccines, ProteqFlu and ProteqFlu Te for the charity’s horses since 2005.

Since the scheme began, nearly 3,000 doses of ProteqFlu and ProteqFlu Te have helped the RDA to keep its ponies and horses healthy and their costs down, which is a huge help for the charity.

Chair of RDA’s Equine Committee, Doug Smith, believes that such support is vital for the organisation: “We’ve been so fortunate to have received free ProteqFlu flu vaccines for many years, saving us a small fortune. Opportunities to keep the ponies healthy and in work whilst keeping down costs is a massive help to the organisation and those who benefit from our services,” says Doug.

“At RDA we depend on our ponies, so they need to be fit and healthy all the time, and vaccination takes away one of those worries. The ponies are both our biggest asset and the largest cash drain.

“The RDA invests a huge amount of time and money training the ponies so it’s vital they work for as long as possible. Any loss, either temporary or permanent, means that someone misses out,” adds Doug.

Nigel Hoppitt
L-R: Charlie Mitchell MRCVS of Cedar Veterinary Group; Mutley the Pony; Broadlands Group RDA chair Nigel Hoppitt

Back in 2013, the RDA and Boehringer Ingelheim celebrated the 1,000th donation of ProteqFlu. Pictured (right) at that time is vet Charlie Mitchell MRCVS of Cedar Veterinary Group, with the Broadlands Group RDA chair Nigel Hoppitt, and proud recipient, Mutley the Pony!

Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Equine Brand Manager in the UK, Jackie Sterratt, shares that this kind of support is vital to the RDA both in terms of helping to keep the horses fit for purpose and allowing their volunteers to concentrate on delivering the service to people with disabilities which the charity is renowned for.

“The RDA is a great example of the human-animal relationship and we are so proud to be celebrating such a long-term relationship with the charity. The organisation has been providing therapy and life-changing activities for almost 50 years; it takes great pride in the exceptional standard of its coaches, volunteers (18,000 in all) and most of all, its wonderful ponies.

“It is great to be in a position where the company can make a difference to the lives of disabled and disadvantaged people within our society through such an amazing organisation as the RDA. It is truly a celebration of the difference that human-animal relationships can bring to individuals and their families,” concludes Jackie. 

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