My.Making More Health Website

Materials on health prevention for all – My.Making More Health, our platform for disadvantaged communities goes live

Spreading basic health awareness and information can make a real difference for people’s life in many parts of the world, esp. in the emerging markets and in those regions where communities live close to the poverty line and have low access to good health practices.
We have put together our training materials for community work and offer it for free to teachers or leaders of self-help groups, rural communities cooperatives, workers from the non-profit sector and informal health workers. 
The “My.MakingMoreHealth” platform provides accessible and easily distributable resources around a wide range of health-related topics, such as 
  • well-being
  • hygiene practices and COVID-19
  • women-health
  • and safety issues. 
The materials have been developed and tested thoroughly “in the field” during our MMH trainings and projects, mostly in disadvantaged communities in India and Kenya. All is “hand-made” material, made by our employees, our MMH fellows and by our local partner organizations, guaranteeing it being as approachable and easy-to-use as possible. 
Feel free to download, to copy, and to share them across your professional and private network. By sharing these materials, we all can make a difference together.
Visit and find out more!