More Green Brazil – Powered by Nature

Adrian von Treuenfels works at Boehringer Ingelheim’s Solana farm, which is located in the middle of the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest area. It is here, that he and his team cultivate the plants that supply the active ingredient for different drugs. He has been at the farm ever since he completed his degree in agriculture, and wouldn’t trade his job for anything in the world.

Adrian von Treuenfels

“I feel like I work in paradise: surrounded by green, with amazing colleagues, and on top of that I can contribute to the preservation of this beautiful ecosystem. My father started working at this farm in 1977, and 32 years ago I essentially inherited his job. I was born and raised in Brazil and studied agriculture here. 

When we first started cultivating the farmland, it was rather fallow and dry. Thanks to the resources invested by Boehringer Ingelheim, we were able not only to improve the topsoil for our crops, but also reforest the riverbanks planting 140,000 native trees. Our green oasis has given local wildlife a sanctuary to grow and thrive in. Species that where on the verge of extinction have re-located here to live far from any disturbances. Our cameras have spotted tapirs, wildcats and more than 130 different bird species. 

At Boehringer Ingelheim’s Solana farm, everything is in balance. The natural environment gets the chance to grow, and in return provides Boehringer Ingelheim with the active substances it needs to produce its pharmaceuticals. The farm gives my colleagues and me a place to live and celebrate together, while at the same time Boehringer Ingelheim provides us with the resources we need to grow professionally. I’m proud and happy to say that I work for a company that allows me to live my dream: to make a living by helping to preserve our planet.”






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