
103 Result(s)
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This ensures food security for one year

This ensures food security for one year

In Ghana, we are helping smallholder farmers overcome hardship caused by the pandemic. Click here to read about this story and find out more.
More Green

More Green

Our MORE GREEN pillar encompasses environmental initiatives that consider many different aspects. Click here to learn more about our MORE GREEN pillar.
Back to life

Back to life

Anna Higgs had a severe stroke at the age of 24. For years she has been struggling with the consequences. Click here to learn more about her story.
More Health Overview

More Health Overview

Working at the intersection of human and animal health, we have unique opportunities to positively impact vulnerable populations. Learn more.
Keep water clean

Keep water clean

Human beings can’t survive without water. Further, the safe production of medicines depends on clean drinking water. Click here to find out more.
preventive care cat veterinarian

preventive care cat veterinarian

What can we all, as cat owners or veterinarians, do to promote cat health? Click here to read about this subject and find out more information.
COVID-19 Joining forces against COVID-19

COVID-19 Joining forces against COVID-19

While the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic are massive, so are the good examples of corporate citizenship arising all over the world. Learn more.
More health in vulnerable communities

More health in vulnerable communities

Making More Health, offers expertise, network and financial support to social entrepreneurs, plus more. Read more about Making More Health here.
10 years of Making More Health

10 years of Making More Health

10 years ago, Boehringer Ingelheim started the social initiative Making More Health together with our partner Ashoka. Watch the video here to learn more.
The Supplier Code of Conduct Download

The Supplier Code of Conduct Download

Click here to download our supplier code of conduct. The Boehringer Ingelheim supplier code of conduct entered into force in 2016, and was updated in 2020.
COVID-19 Protecting Our Employees

COVID-19 Protecting Our Employees

We have taken precautions to protect our employees health and mitigate the risk of COVID-19 affecting our organisation. Click here to find out more.
Transboundary and emerging diseases

Transboundary and emerging diseases

We fight TEDs through cutting-edge technologies. Click here to find out how our colleagues in Global Innovation and VPH prepare for outbreaks.


weBuy is a key initiative in order to have an integrated solution for the Source to Procure Process around the globe. Click here to find out more.
Patient voices Ulrichs story

Patient voices Ulrichs story

‘Telling My Story’ is a video series featuring stories from patients from across the world with AF, DVT and PE. Click here to hear Ulrich's story.
Patient voices Eves story

Patient voices Eves story

‘Telling My Story’ is a video series featuring stories from patients from across the world with AF, DVT and PE. Click here to hear Eve's story.
Patient voices Augustos story

Patient voices Augustos story

Hear from patients and families on how atrial fibrillation (AF), deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) have affected their lives.
More Potential Overview

More Potential Overview

More Potential works to provide the best conditions for our people, communities and partners along our value chain. Click here to find out more.
COVID-19 Pandemic support in Vietnam

COVID-19 Pandemic support in Vietnam

Find out how Boehringer Ingelheim Vietnam is joining hands with the government and hospitals. Click here to find out and learn more information.


Boehringer Ingelheim prioritises life continuity to the underserved, in addition to medical aid. Click here to find out and learn more information.
COVID-19 IMI2–Call 21

COVID-19 IMI2–Call 21

CARE launched to accelerate therapy development against COVID-19 and future coronavirus threats.
3 scopes for sustainability Saint Vulbas France

3 scopes for sustainability Saint Vulbas France

Click here to find out how Boehringer Ingelheim is working to improve the sustainability and biodiversity of the research site at Saint-Vulbas in France.


Learn about the EMPRISE real-world evidence study and use of empagliflozin in routine clinical care. Click here to find out more information.