
29 Result(s)
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preventive care cat veterinarian

preventive care cat veterinarian

What can we all, as cat owners or veterinarians, do to promote cat health? Click here to read about this subject and find out more information.
History of Cats

History of Cats

Since the beginning of human civilisation, cats have been companions to people. Click here to learn more about the history of cats with humans.
Life stages of cats

Life stages of cats

Owners are often unaware of the changing health of their cats as they age. Click here to learn more about cats' changing medical needs as they age.
Cat vaccination 10 things you should know

Cat vaccination 10 things you should know

We’ve answered 10 important questions about cat vaccination, to help you make informed decisions about preserving your cat’s health. Read more here.
10 tips cat friendly veterinary clinics

10 tips cat friendly veterinary clinics

Here we take a look at 10 simple steps you can take to make feline patients feel at ease at your practice. Click here to find out more information.
cat dog flea allergy dermatitis

cat dog flea allergy dermatitis

Find out how you can identify and treat flea allergy dermatitis, one of the most common illnesses associated with a flea infestation. Learn more here.
Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators

All available performance indicators concerning Environment Health and Safety (EHS) are summarised here. Click here to find out more information.
Say no to the uninvited guests

Say no to the uninvited guests

Boehringer Ingelheim aims to raise awareness of the issues & risks that parasites can have on cats. Click here to find out more information.
One step further in fighting rabies in Vietnam

One step further in fighting rabies in Vietnam

A expedition team set off to the Duc Hue District. The purpose? To vaccinate the entire dog and cat population of several villages. Find out more.ral villages.
Pet industry trends Millennials
Millennials are now shaping pet markets and facing new issues in pet healthcare. Click here to read and learn more about this new generation of pet owners.
Obesity osteoarthritis in pets a blind spot

Obesity osteoarthritis in pets a blind spot

Body weight is just one indicator among many when it comes to a pet’s health status, but there are some diseases associated with it. Learn more here.
pet care digital age

pet care digital age

Pets can be family members, trusted companions – and they are also part of a large global industry. Learn more about pet care in the digital age here.
Protecting our pets from parasites

Protecting our pets from parasites

​If you think that keeping your pets indoors will keep them safe from parasites, think again! Learn more about protecting your pets from parasites.
How pets made the pandemic bearable?

How pets made the pandemic bearable?

Lockdown wasn’t easy but having us work from home was certainly delightful for our pets. Learn some insights from the APPA COVID-19 Pulse Study.
Thelaziosis dog eyeworms

Thelaziosis dog eyeworms

Most pet owners probably do not associate the scientific name “thelaziosis” to eyeworm infestations experienced by their dogs. Click here to learn more.