COVID-19: Social distancing and pet care? A vet gives advice

COVID-19 has impacted the daily lives of people all over the world, leading to shut downs and restrictions. How does this affect veterinary practices? What can cat and dog owners do to deal with isolation? We have asked Karsten Hesse, Technical Service Manager Pet at Boehringer Ingelheim and small animal veterinarian from Germany.

COVID-19: Social distancing and pet care? A vet gives advice

Mr. Hesse, what are questions pet owners most frequently ask at your veterinary practice these days? 

Karsten Hesse Behandlung Hund

Karsten Hesse: The biggest concern is whether we are currently even allowed to treat animals. In that regard, I have good news: Worldwide, veterinary medicine is considered an essential service. So wherever you are, whether your country is just now instituting lockdowns or already loosening them, veterinary clinics can remain open. 

Do you have any advice for pet care under lockdown? 

Despite regulations restricting movement: both cats and dogs still need exercise and your attention. If you usually allow your cats to roam outside, let them out. Keep on walking your dogs. Take time to play with your pets. This helps both you and your pets avoid cabin fever – and may even intensify your emotional closeness. 

Is there a risk of animal-to-human transmission with COVID-19?

According to current findings, there is no evidence that pets have infected people with COVID-19. However, infection via a contaminated surface may be possible. One such surface can be dog's or cat's fur. 

What can pet owners do?

At least for the time being, don't let strangers touch your dog. And wash your hands after petting your dog or cat. 

How does COVID-19 change everyday life in your veterinary practice?

We’ve adapted our processes and strengthened hygiene protocols to protect pet owners and the team. For example, our waiting room is quite large. However, for now, only two people can wait there at the same time. If pet owners feel sick, they’re not allowed to enter the practice and need to hand over their pet at the entrance. We’re also providing disinfectant and protective wear. As Germany has made wearing masks mandatory in business spaces, we’re now providing pet owners with single use masks. 

Are pet owners still allowed into the treatment area?

No, we’re not able to keep the minimum distance in there. Only if the gradual loosening of lockdown measures in Germany – i.e. reopened shops and business spaces – does not lead to rising numbers of infection, will we consider opening this area to pet owners again. However, in our experience, you can conduct treatment quite well even at a distance. We’re now doing consultations over the phone, including discussing the pet’s full medical history. This helps us to schedule treatments efficiently and avoids having a full practice. However, this means that we cannot offer consultations without a prior appointment.

How do pet owners react to this?

They’re very understanding – after all, we’re doing it to protect their health as well!

Karsten Hesse works as a Technical Service Manager Pet at Boehringer Ingelheim. He also runs his own veterinary practice in Staufenberg, Germany. There, he and six other veterinarians treat dogs, cats, reptiles and other small animals.