Empowering and Upskilling Patient Organizations in the IMETA Region

At Boehringer Ingelheim, we are driven by the desire to serve humankind by improving patient health in every avenue where we can create positive change. Through focused training programmes like the Patient Union for Learning and Support Engagement (PULSE), our aim is to empower patient organizations in the IMETA region and work collaboratively with them to reshape the future of patient care.

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In September, we, at Boehringer Ingelheim, were proud to hold the first PULSE training programme in Dubai, bringing together over twenty representatives of patient organizations from across India, the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa. The two-day training was delivered by MEDiSTRAVA, a healthcare advisory and strategic communications group, which focused on building capacities and developing the skills of patient organizations through a dynamic mix of case study presentations, discussions, and interactive workshops.

The programme brought together patient organizations that support patients living with cardio-renal-metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease and heart failure, as well as patients living with rare respiratory diseases and skin conditions. The two-day event also provided a platform for patient organizations to engage with each other and collaborate to raise awareness.

The Importance of Building a Strategic Vision and Fostering Collaboration

PULSE’s extensive agenda provided patient organizations with vital insights and technical expertise to help them navigate today’s ever-evolving healthcare landscape. Through this custom-made programme, participants grasped the importance of crafting a strategic vision for their organizations and acquired profound insights into cultivating the necessary capabilities to transform those visions into reality.

Furthermore, PULSE aimed to enhance awareness on the importance of collaboration and co-creation. The programme placed a special emphasis on how key stakeholders can unite to better understand patient needs and contribute to a more effective and compassionate healthcare system.

Highlighting the Power of Communication 

PULSE zoomed in on operational practices that are foundational in building a patient-centric environment. The programme leveraged MEDiSTRAVA’s expertise and set a special focus on the importance of creating a strategic communications plan. During the presentation, attendees received practical guidance on how to create a plan that enhances outreach to target audiences and delivers the right messages.

Empowering Patients in their Treatment Journey

As an overarching theme, PULSE stressed the need for improved patient education throughout the two-day training. The initiative reflected on how equipping patients with the right knowledge empowers them to take an active role in managing their health. 

At Boehringer Ingelheim, we remain steadfast in our commitment to developing and delivering life-changing innovation to those in need, through more efficient and effective means. Our core belief hinges on the understanding that we can only advance in our commitment when we work closely with the patient community. The launch of our PULSE initiative marks the initiation of a significant journey, driving us forward to establish a more robust and interconnected community, ultimately pushing us closer to achieving our goal of transforming lives for generations.