History (1990-2022): Value through Innovation

Following the death of Hubertus Liebrecht in 1991, other members of the third generation of the owning family took over: Erich von Baumbach became member of the Shareholder’s Committee in 1992. Heribert Johann, the first Managing Director, who was not a family member, became spokesperson of the Board. More external managers would later lead the Board, like Rolf Krebs, Alessandro Banchi, and Andreas Barner. The new leadership initiated some major developments, which have shaped the company ever since.

Female employee in the research lab


These developments were responses to changing global healthcare demands, designed to maintain the company’s leading position. These decisions provided the basis for the further growth of the company. Moreover, the first two decades of the new millennium saw some big investments into site infrastructure at several sites.

At the same time, the company continued to be family-owned, and the owning family oversees company operations: Christian Boehringer was appointed Chairman of the Shareholder’s Committee in 2007 and Hubertus von Baumbach joined the Board of Managing Directors in 2009, becoming its Chairman in 2016.

In 2017, a business swap saw far-reaching changes to the company’s product portfolio: The self-medication portfolio in Human Pharma was given to Sanofi, while Boehringer Ingelheim received Merial, the Animal Health subsidiary of Sanofi. This development increased the Animal Health business of Boehringer Ingelheim significantly. Meanwhile, the prescription medicines portfolio has grown considerably since the turn of the century.

Milestones and turning points

1993: One common management for Germany

История 1990-2022

The Board of Managing Directors takes a far-reaching decision: The German pharmaceutical business with its two sites in Ingelheim and Biberach (pictured) is placed under one common management.

From this moment onwards, Biberach serves as the center of the research activities, while production takes place at the headquarters in Ingelheim (excluding biopharmaceutical production).

1994: Presenting "Value through Innovation"

История 1990-2022

“Vision & Leadership” are the guiding principles supporting the implementation of the Boehringer Ingelheim vision. A year later, the first “Value through Innovation” day is held for all employees at the different sites of the company across the globe. Its name is the new company’s mission: “Value through Innovation”.

The company’s goal is anchored in its mission statement, to this day: to help people and animals around the world by providing innovation.

2000-2003: Building for the new millenium

История 1990-2022

A new global headquarter for a new millennium: In 2000, the Boehringer Ingelheim Center sets new standards in Ingelheim and symbolizes the company’s move into the 21st century. It houses administrative and corporate functions and is the heart of company operations. Two years later, a new active ingredient plant is inaugurated in Ingelheim as well, constituting a big investment into pharmaceutical production. On top of that, the Biberach site sees important developments, too: In 2003, Boehringer Ingelheim invests more than EUR 255 million for the expansion of its biopharmaceutical active ingredient production facilities in Biberach. Upon its inauguration, the new production facility G 104 is the largest single investment by the company.

2004: Investing in innovative inhalers in Dortmund

История 1990-2022

In 2004, Boehringer Ingelheim acquires the German micro-technology company STEAG microparts GmbH from STEAG AG Essen, which since then has been based in Dortmund, Germany, under the name Boehringer Ingelheim microParts GmbH. Its product, the Respimat®, is a propellant-free inhaler, a handheld device, designed to get the medication deep into the lungs of patients with COPD and Asthma.

The following years see significant investments into the new Dortmund site to expand production capacity for the Respimat® inhaler, such as in 2007 and 2014.

2011: Big breakthroughs

История 1990-2022

On August 4, 2011, Pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate) becomes the first drug in 50 years to gain approval for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation in the European Union.

Three weeks later, on August 25, Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly and Company receive Marketing Authorization from the European Commission for Trajenta® (linagliptin) for the treatment of adults with type 2 diabetes in Europe.

2011: Support for academic research

История 1990-2022

The Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) at the University of Mainz, a modern research center funded by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation, is inaugurated. On the occasion of the company's 125th anniversary in 2010, the foundation dedicated EUR 100 million for a period of ten years. In doing so, 12 research groups of 180 people in total are able to conduct basic research on the highest international level. Support for academic research at the University of Mainz continues. Two years later, with a donation of EUR 50 million, the foundation provides funding for the Biology research department and for the construction of a new building near the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB).

2017: Swap with Sanofi

История 1990-2022

Boehringer Ingelheim and the French pharmaceutical company Sanofi sign a business swap, providing the basis for far-reaching changes to the product portfolios of both companies from January 1, 2017: The self-medication portfolio for human pharmaceuticals is passed to Sanofi, while Boehringer Ingelheim acquires Merial, the Animal Health subsidiary of Sanofi. The takeover of Merial also establishes Lyon as a new cornerstone of the company’s Animal Health network, with several more locations across the globe, like in the United States and China. The product portfolio increases significantly, with new Animal Health products like Nexgard®, Frontline® and Heartgard®.

Products of this Period 


Combivent® was launched in 1995. It contains the active substances ipratropium bromide and salbutamol and is used in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


The year 1996 constitutes a big year for product launches. Viramune®, designed to reduce the risk of transferring HI viruses in pregnant women to their unborn children, is brought to the market. Launches are also made for Alna® / Flomax®, used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and for the antirheumatic drug Mobec®.


The year 1999 sees the launch of Micardis®, a product used in the treatment of hypertension. 20 years later, Boehringer Ingelheim brings Semintra® to the market, a product approved to help control systemic hypertension in cats. Semintra® uses the same active compound as Micardis®, underlining the increasing importance of synergies between Human Pharma and Animal Health.


The new millennium sees the launch of Metalyse®, a drug used in the treatment of heart attacks.


The COPD product Spiriva® is launched. Since 2007, it has also been one of the key medications used by the Respimat®, which is manufactured in Dortmund. 


In March 2008, Pradaxa®, which is used in the prevention of thromboses and pulmonary embolisms following knee and hip-joint replacement operations, receives Europe-wide approval. In 2011, Pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate) gains European approval for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation.

2011 and 2014

In 2011, Trajenta® (linagliptin) is the first product launched within the successful alliance between Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly and Company. 2014 is another milestone: Jardiance® (empagliflozin) is launched for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes.


The year 2014 sees the launch of Ofev® (nintedanib) for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and the launch of Vargatef® (nintedanib) for the treatment of lung cancer. Much like Jardiance®, Ofev® becomes a cornerstone of the company’s product portfolio. 

Most Recent Milestones 

Copyright (hero image): 2020, Peter Ginter