Innovation in CardioMetabolic Diseases

Research into cardiometabolic diseases is at a turning point. Advances in treatment and an enhanced emphasis on primary prevention have resulted in significant improvements in life expectancy over the last 30 years. Yet challenges remain. Rising rates of obesity and diabetes are projected to increase with the worldwide prevalence of obesity increasing three-fold between 1975 and 20161, and one in ten adults estimated to have diabetes by 20402. Against this challenging landscape, scientists at Boehringer Ingelheim are looking at things differently. By exploring disease mechanisms and common pathways within various cardiometabolic diseases, we aim to leverage synergies in our pursuit of identifying the next wave of innovative medicines.

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The Big Picture: A Holistic Approach to CardioMetabolic Disease Research

Boehringer Ingelheim’s cardiometabolic research strategy takes a holistic view of the broader therapeutic needs of patients who may often have multiple conditions, connected by underlying similar pathologies. Our deep scientific expertise and long history of innovation across the cardiometabolic spectrum give us a unique perspective in addressing these challenges. Søren Tullin, Global Head of CardioMetabolic Diseases Research, explains.


“We are focusing our research on cardiometabolic diseases with a high unmet need such as obesity and liver diseases. To achieve this we are building on our deep scientific expertise that encompasses a broad range of cardiometabolic disease pathomechanisms and blending this with the skills and knowledge of  external partners across the life-science community, as we strive to create first-in-class therapeutics. Together, our goal is to discover and develop breakthrough medicines that will change the lives of patients now and in generations to come.”

Digital technology

Our patient-centric approach goes further – beyond classical molecular biology to encompass the latest thinking in digital and behavioral sciences. Advances in these approaches, which complement other aspects of disease management, mean that we will in future be able to support patients more effectively in their fight to achieve sustainable lifestyle change.



  2. IDF Diabetes Atlas · Seventh Edition.
