Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in Boehringer Ingelheim. We welcome your queries and feedback.

Our office is closed until January 1, 2025. We will be happy to process your inquiry upon our return.  

For urgent medical inquiries, please contact us at the following telephone number: +43 1 80105-0. 
Please send reports for human medicine adverse events (in Austria) to: For adverse events in other countries of our RCV region, please contact:

Thank you in advance. 

We wish you a happy holiday season! 

Boehringer Ingelheim RCV GmbH & Co KG

Dr.-Boehringer-Gasse 5-11
1121 Vienna, Austria
Telephone +43 1 80 105-0

Further locations in Vienna

Some business units are located at nearby other sites:

Boehringer Ingelheim 
BIG POINT Office Center
Altmannsdorfer Street 76
1121 Vienna

Boehringer Ingelheim
Vienna Twin Towers
Wienerbergstrasse 11
1100 Vienna 

For the locations in the BIG POINT Office Center and in the Vienna Twin Towers, please use the registration option at the on-site reception.

If you suspect an adverse reaction to one of our veterinary products, please click here

We process your personal data in accordance with our privacy statement.

Terms of Use


Beanstandetes Produkt

Angaben zur betroffenen Person

Details zu Mitteilung

Handelte es sich um ein schwerwiegendes Ereignis? *

Sehen Sie, oder Ihr Arzt einen möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Ereignis und dem Medikament?

Das Unternehmen wird Sie eventuell kontaktieren, um weitere Details bezüglich Ihrer Meldung zu erhalten.
