Speak up!

Boehringer Ingelheim is committed to compliance with applicable laws, regulations and corporate policies and procedures in all of its business dealings. Our "Speak up" culture, endorsed by senior management, supports this commitment.

Compliance is the prerequisite and overarching principle for all activities of Boehringer Ingelheim, its management and employees. This ensures our "license to operate" and our trustworthy and credible relationships with our customers and business partners.
A special focus is placed on the following compliance categories:
  • Bribery and corruption
  • Discrimination
  • Anti-competitive practices
  • Insider trading
  • Improper export and trade transactions
  • Violation of data protection regulations
  • Inappropriate transactions with healthcare specialists (e.g., physicians, pharmacists), healthcare organizations, patient organizations or healthcare officials
  • "Code of Conduct" of Boehringer Ingelheim.
Boehringer Ingelheim Speak up

There may be times when you notice an action or behavior that is or appears to be inconsistent with our stated commitment - examples include misconduct, questionable practices or deviations from policies and procedures. In this case, we encourage you to speak up ("Speak up") and report these observations to us. You can do this as an employee, customer, external partner or as someone who has another relationship with Boehringer Ingelheim.

Because we value open communication, we encourage you to share your name and contact information with us. This gives us the opportunity to respond to your message as effectively as possible.

Inform us

We expect complainants to make reports in good faith and with good intentions. In doing so, we encourage you to report your concerns directly to your Boehringer Ingelheim contact.

Please note: It is prohibited to knowingly provide false information or to report information that contains unfounded allegations or accusations.

Reporting via Speak up portal

However, if you don’t feel comfortable or not able to use these communication channels, we are providing a “Speak up” portal. This portal is open to all Boehringer Ingelheim employees as well as third parties such as customers, vendors, and other external partners. Reports can be submitted at any time via an internet-based system secured by a specialized vendor. The “Speak up” portal also offers the option to submit your report anonymously if you wish not to disclose your identity. By opening a post-box, you enable us to communicate with you without disclosing your identity.

Thank you for supporting our efforts to detect, correct and prevent non-compliant behavior!