Marlene Fuchs

What does a Regional Customer
Experience Manager at
Boehringer Ingelheim actually do?

Marlene Fuchs

Regional Customer Experience Manager

Marlene Fuchs

Marlene Fuchs, Regional Customer Experience Manager at Boehringer Ingelheim in Vienna talks about her daily routine, challenges and what she likes most about her job.

What is my job and how does A usual workday look like?

A regional Customer Experience (CX) Manager has to translate the global digital marketing strategy to the region and has to adjust and implement it in close collaboration with other functions and the CX managers from the countries of the region. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of a CX Manager to ensure optimal implementation of new technologies, to follow the performance of platforms and channels, to deliver insights and to provide guidance and support to the countries within the region. A regional CX Manager works in close collaboration with the regional brand team(s) of our products.

My “typical” workday:

8:00/08:30Checking e-mails, set priorities for the day                                                                                                                                                                              


Team-Meeting with the regional Brand-Team (Marketing & Medical colleagues from one product)                                                       



Working on current and new tasks/projects                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

13:00Team-Meeting with the regional CX team (functions like data analytics, market research, etc.)                                                                 
Organizing internal and/or external virtual events       
14:00Attending trainings or information meetings                                                                                                                                                                              
15:00             Checking e-mails and working on projects                                                                                                                                                                               

Provide trainings to the countries of the region and support them with                                                                                                                  

 local projects + exchange and learnings                                                                                                                                                                                                                    



 Exchange with global colleagues regarding current projects and strategy                                                                                                                     
 Working on tasks and exploring new things   

What do I like most about my job?

Every day is different. There are always new projects, new requests, new challenges where it is needed to find a solution. There is no chance to get bored. We work together with so many different teams and functions and bring up new ideas, channels, and projects together. You can really see how things are moving forward, also if sometimes only step-by-step.

What is the biggest challenge in my job?

One of the biggest challenges is to stay in close contact and collaboration with all the different functions and countries of the region. To understand what is going on in the different markets, to gather the relevant feedback and insights and to be able to share and learn from each other and grow together. Furthermore, being part of different teams also is sometimes a balancing act.

You are the best fit for our Human Pharma Commercial department if…

…you bring with you agility, an open mind, the willingness to learn something new and the gift of loving to take over problems and issues to find solutions for it. Furthermore, you need to be a team player, able to work without hierarchies within the sub-teams and having a genial and cheerful disposition.

What is my favorite benefit of Boehringer Ingelheim and why is Boehringer Ingelheim my preferred employer?

What I like most working at Boehringer Ingelheim is the open mind and try-share-learn culture, but also the great team spirit and the trustful and safe environment. It is really great to work together in different teams and make things happen.

Additionally Boehringer Ingelheim offers an amazing range of voluntary benefits. At the moment my favorite is the additional days off in connection with public holidays (the so called bridging days) but also the flexible working time.


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