Más que esclerodermia

More than Scleroderma is a collection of films and portraits which showcases the unique and inspiring stories of people living with scleroderma, also known as systemic sclerosis. This global initiative, launched to coincide with World Scleroderma Day 2018 (29th June), highlights the importance of understanding the story of each individual living with scleroderma. The photography and film gallery features eleven patients from seven countries, each telling their story about living with this rare condition. The More than Scleroderma gallery has expanded to incorporate the personal stories and portraits of family members supporting people living with scleroderma. Scleroderma, like any serious disease, can greatly affect the lives of family and friends, making it crucially important to tell their stories.

Together, we are More than Scleroderma™

More than Scleroderma™ has been developed to support and guide you during your journey, by providing information and resources that you can trust, all in one place.


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More than Scleroderma

A hub of knowledge, advice and support for those whose lives have been touched by scleroderma.
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