
Schizophrenia is a complex mental health condition affecting approximately 24 million people worldwide and is characterized by three symptom domains: positive and negative symptoms and impaired cognition. While positive symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions, are most widely known and treated, negative symptoms such as reduced emotion and lack of motivation and cognitive impairment that affect problem-solving, attention, and memory are currently not addressed, creating a significant unmet need for those affected.

Woman holding her head

Introducing CIAS (Cognitive Impairment Associated with Schizophrenia) 

Schizophrenia affects 1 in 100, yet the condition can be misunderstood due to some symptoms being overlooked, such as cognitive impairment.

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Introducing Decentralized Clinical Trials

Learn how the decentralized trial approach utilizes digital technology to make research more accessible to patients

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