COVID-19: Southeast Asia & South Korea - Support of the local healthcare community

Learn more about what Boehringer Ingelheim is doing to assist health workers in managing the pandemic in Southeast Asia.


The Boehringer Ingelheim team in Singapore contributed health kits and food to the National Heart Center nurses on Covid-19 duty

Many of the countries in Southeast Asia, including South Korea, have a heavily burdened healthcare system. With the current pandemic, resources are further stretched beyond its capacity to help manage the high volume of patients coming to hospitals and clinics. We operate in all of these countries and are determined to help the frontline workers and communities. Needs ranged from getting more personal protective equipment to hot meals for doctors, nurses and paramedics who barely have time to eat.

In South Korea, KRPIA (Korea Research-based Pharmaceutical Industry Association) which Boehringer Ingelheim is a member of, donated around EUR 75 thousand to the Korean Red Cross to support medical staff fighting against COVID-19 at the frontlines.

In the Philippines, we provided frontline healthcare workers with 6,500 meals to various hospitals in the country. This included non-government organizations such as the SOS Children’s Village care of GBS Center Manila.

In Singapore, we donated 1,200 health kits to various different hospital and non-governmental organizations, including providing hot meals to nurses on Covid-19 duty at the National Heart Centre, Singapore.  

In Malaysia, the team is in the process of contributing 1,000 units of Aerochamber spacer devices to local public hospitals via the Malaysian Thoracic Society.

In Indonesia, we are giving out health kits and spraying devices to the community near our production plant in Bogor and the employees have started to give their voluntary contributions via the Employee Cooperative and all the money collated will be used to support medical front liners with either hot meals or personal protective equipment.

Our teams in SEA & South Korea will continue to collaborate with non-governmental bodies, the Ministry of Health, and hospital institutions to provide aid while ensuring our patients and pet/animal owners continue to get the medicines they need the most.