COVID-19: Boehringer Ingelheim Singapore donates government payouts for more good causes

Giving back to patients and animals who need it the most

Boehringer Ingelheim Singapore currently has over 200 employees and is an active member of the community – serving the health and well-being of humans and animals. 
During this COVID-19 period, companies such as Boehringer Ingelheim Singapore, receive funding from the Singapore Government under the Jobs Support Scheme (JSS). The JSS provides wage support to employers and helps enterprises retain their local employees during this period of economic uncertainty.
These JSS payouts are staggered and we have received two payouts thus far. At this point in time, Boehringer Ingelheim Singapore has not been financially adversely affected by the COVID-19 situation and hence, we have decided to donate the two payouts to communities in need instead.
  • With the second government payout, a total of SGD$700,000 (~ €452,000) will be donated to 7 charities which are dedicated to helping and supporting needy patients and animals. 
  • In total, Boehringer Ingelheim Singapore has now donated SGD$1.2 million (~ €774,200) to 11 different organizations. 


Gerrard McKenna
Gerrard McKenna
“We strongly believe in the importance of promoting health, as well as providing help and support to patients and their caregivers – which is an integral part of the work that the charities we have selected do. 
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the important social service that these organizations provide must continue and this requires adequate funding. As fundraising during this period is particularly challenging, Boehringer Ingelheim Singapore hopes that these donations will allow the charities to carry on with the important work that they do,” said Gerrard McKenna, Country Managing Director and Head of Human Pharma, Boehringer Ingelheim Regional Operating Unit, Southeast Asia & South Korea.


The 7 charities are:  

Quotes from Charities 


Singapore Heart Foundation

“COVID-19 has disrupted our fundraising activities, but it has not stopped cardiovascular disease (CVD) from happening. In Singapore, 17 people still die from CVD (heart disease and stroke combined) every day. This donation from Boehringer Ingelheim will help the Singapore Heart Foundation to carry on with our programs in preventing and reducing disability and death due to CVD, as well as support heart patients during these challenging times. Thank you Boehringer Ingelheim for helping us to build a heart healthier nation,” said Vernon Kang, Chief Executive Officer of Singapore Heart Foundation.



Diabetes Singapore

“Thank you Boehringer Ingelheim for your magnanimous gesture and generous donation. In these challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, living with diabetes is not easy. A healthy lifestyle can be compromised by self-isolation and home quarantines, and persons with diabetes struggle with keeping their condition well controlled. Moreover, the spectre of more severe COVID-19 infection due to having diabetes, strikes fear and increases stress for individuals. With this kind donation, Boehringer Ingelheim ensures that Diabetes Singapore is able to continue its work to support those living with diabetes in these trying times,” said Dr Kevin Tan, President of Diabetes Singapore.



Singapore National Stroke Association

“This unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has brought about new challenges to the Singapore National Stroke Association (SNSA). It has resulted in SNSA ceasing physical interactions with stroke survivors and caregivers, due to social distancing and prohibition of large group gatherings. In addition, the economic downturn has brought about fundraising challenges. 

Boehringer Ingelheim’s donation is the largest amount that we have received since 1996. This donation will greatly enable SNSA to continue supporting stroke survivors and caregivers through new programs, e.g. Tele-befriending and ‘SNSA Live’ with webinars on topics such as falls prevention and stress management. We sincerely thank Boehringer Ingelheim for your generosity, which will go a long way in bettering the lives of stroke survivors today and beyond COVID-19,” said Dr Ng Wai May, President of Singapore National Stroke Association.



Stroke Support Station

“Thank you, Boehringer Ingelheim! Your donations will touch the lives of many, including those that Stroke Support Station (S3) serves. Despite being the second most common cause of disease burden for Singaporeans aged 65 or older, stroke still has relatively low public awareness. Those who survive are in a literal ‘living hell’, suffering not just loss of speech and use of their limbs but also their self-esteem, often spiraling into depression.

In unprecedented times such as this, your generous contribution will go a long way towards easing the burdens of stroke survivors. It will enable us to provide affordable best-in-class rehabilitation to more stroke survivors, allowing them to continue with their rehabilitation and supporting them in their recovery journey for a better quality of life.

Once again, thank you for sending this much-needed fund, especially since we’ve had to cancel our fundraising gala this year,” said Ben Yeo, Executive Director of Stroke Support Station (S3).



Singapore Cancer Society

Albert Ching, Chief Executive Officer of the Singapore Cancer Society said, “COVID-19 has significant impact on all of us, especially those who are more vulnerable like those in the cancer community. Singapore Cancer Society (SCS) has also been greatly impacted with our 2020 fundraising efforts. Boehringer Ingelheim’s contribution from the Jobs Support Scheme will greatly help SCS to support needy cancer patients and their families, in their fight against cancer through the SCS Cancer Treatment Fund, SCS Cancer Care Fund and SCS Welfare Aid Fund. Boehringer Ingelheim’s exemplary action is indeed noteworthy and we hope this will also inspire other companies to consider doing the same, by joining SCS to “Minimize Cancer and Maximize Lives.”



Rare Disorders Society (Singapore)

“Rare Disorders Society (Singapore) a.k.a RDSS launched our Carry Hope Run during this year’s Rare Disease Day, which fell on 29 February 2020. The fundraiser was supposed to be held in June 2020 but due to COVID-19, we’ve had to postpone it until next year. We are very grateful that Boehringer Ingelheim has chosen to support RDSS during this difficult period. The donations have definitely come in very timely and will be channeled to support our beneficiary families through our home-based learning program and other financial assistance schemes. Together, we believe we can continue to demonstrate the true spirit of ‘Love is Not Rare’ and that love shows no discrimination,” said Patricia Ng, President of Rare Disorders Society (Singapore).



Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

“SPCA’s Community Animal Clinic is Singapore’s only not-for-profit veterinary clinic, serving needy animals. The clinic provides much needed healthcare to animals who might otherwise not be able to access medical treatment. Boehringer Ingelheim’s strong support for the clinic will thus have a direct impact on many animals, by helping us to promote health and save lives. Your generosity and ongoing support is deeply appreciated. In these very challenging times, it is especially heartening to see an organization give back to society so significantly. This is something that will be remembered for a long time to come. A big thank you from the bottom of our hearts!” said Dr Jaipal Singh Gill, Executive Director of Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).



More information on the charities can be found on these websites: