
105 Result(s)
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Commits to Thoracic Society’s COVID-19 Fund

Commits to Thoracic Society’s COVID-19 Fund

Boehringer Ingelheim is committing USD 500,000 (around EUR 458,000) to the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and its COVID-19 Crisis Fund. Learn more here.
COVID-19: Research Update

COVID-19: Research Update

Boehringer Ingelheim stops treatment with experimental medication in study investigating benefits for severely ill patients with COVID-19. Learn more.
COVID-19 France Support to Pasteur Institute

COVID-19 France Support to Pasteur Institute

As part of our Global Donation Program, we are supporting research on COVID-19 in France. Click here to learn more information about the support.
COVID-19 Once a nurse always a nurse

COVID-19 Once a nurse always a nurse

Colleagues Anne Hunstad and Maarten van Helvoirt, both educated nurses, support the health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more.
COVID-19 Joining forces against COVID-19

COVID-19 Joining forces against COVID-19

While the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic are massive, so are the good examples of corporate citizenship arising all over the world. Learn more.
COVID-19 Protecting Our Employees

COVID-19 Protecting Our Employees

We have taken precautions to protect our employees health and mitigate the risk of COVID-19 affecting our organisation. Click here to find out more.
COVID-19 Germany Together through the Pandemic

COVID-19 Germany Together through the Pandemic

Boehringer Ingelheim enabled all 51,000 employees worldwide to take ten days off for voluntary work – with full payment. Click here to learn more.
Stroke, Don’t Stay at Home

Stroke, Don’t Stay at Home

During COVID-19, there was a decrease in stroke hospital admissions. Learn why it is crucial that patients can still access urgent care at this time.
COVID-19 Relief Efforts in China

COVID-19 Relief Efforts in China

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease in China in late January, Boehringer Ingelheim has quickly decided to make a number of donations. Read more.
Healthcare professionals

Healthcare professionals

Faced with COVID-19, everyone has to adjust their lives, which can be challenging. This is especially true for healthcare professionals. Find out more.
COVID-19 Spain pulse oximeters donation

COVID-19 Spain pulse oximeters donation

Boehringer Ingelheim Spain has contributed to the COVIDALARM project by financing the purchase of 200 intelligent pulse oximeters. Learn more here.
COVID-19: EFPIA Industry Information

COVID-19: EFPIA Industry Information

The EFPIA and its member companies and associations are committed to the global fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Click here to learn more.
COVID-19 IMI2–Call 21

COVID-19 IMI2–Call 21

CARE launched to accelerate therapy development against COVID-19 and future coronavirus threats.
COVID-19 RCV thank you

COVID-19 RCV thank you

A big thank you to all doctors, all nurses and all others working in the healthcare sector from the employees of BI Regional Centre Vienna. Read more here!
COVID-19 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

COVID-19 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

We are joining the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to fight the pandemic. Click here to learn more.