COVID-19: Boehringer Ingelheim Singapore donates government subsidies to local charities 

Find out how Boehringer Ingelheim Singapore is offering support for healthcare workers and vulnerable communities

Boehringer Ingelheim started out as a representative office in 1997 but was incorporated in 2004 as a legal entity and currently employs over 200 employees in the country today. The company has enjoyed a well-established business relationship in Singapore and has been an active member of the community – serving the health and well-being of humans and animals. 
During this COVID-19 period, Boehringer Ingelheim Singapore received funding from the Singapore Government under the Jobs Support Scheme (JSS). The JSS provides wage support to employers and help enterprises retain their local employees during this period of economic uncertainty.
Our Singapore management team decided to use the majority of these funds to donate to the frontline healthcare workers and needy families who need it more instead. Boehringer Ingelheim at this point in time has not been immediately negatively affected by COVID 19. 
With the support of our Singapore employees, everyone in the office voted to support five local funds and charities. 
The five organizations are
The work that these charities do are varied and so important – from offering support for healthcare workers and vulnerable communities such as isolated seniors, to low-income families and migrant workers. Other organizations such as the Singapore Red Cross also focuses on lifesaving blood donations and the SPCA provides critical animal welfare services.
A total of SGD$500,000 (~ €323,000) will be donated to these organizations for immediate COVID-19 relief efforts. 
“We are appreciative of the strong support from the Singapore Government to support local businesses. Our management team and our people share the same mindset of giving back to our communities during this uncertain time, recognizing that in contrast to other industries, like aviation and tourism, our company in Singapore has not been financially adversely affected. We are proud to come together as one team, and with our partner the Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, to donate the funds from the JSS back to people who need it the most,” said Gerrard McKenna, Country Managing Director and Head of Human Pharma, Boehringer Ingelheim Regional Operating Unit, Southeast Asia & South Korea. 
Quotes from Organizations 
Migrant Workers Centre
“Boehringer Ingelheim's donation will enable us to secure and dispatch essential supplies and resources to the migrant worker dormitories in Singapore and in so doing, allow the operators to concentrate more of their time and energies on keeping themselves, as well as their residents safe and healthy during this critical period.
It is heartening to see all sectors of our community coming together to support our migrant brothers and sisters through this difficult period and to have an organization with the history and track record of Boehringer Ingelheim join our growing list of benefactors. This demonstrates not only Boehringer Ingelheim’s commitment to protecting lives and livelihoods, but also its support and encouragement for the Migrant Workers’ Centre and its own role in the COVID-19 campaign in Singapore.
We believe we will overcome COVID-19 as long as we continue to stay united and look out for each other. In this respect, we thank Boehringer Ingelheim for your organization's show of solidarity with the migrant workers of Singapore,” said Bernard Menon, Executive Director, Migrant Workers’ Centre.
Sayang Sayang Fund (under the Community Foundation of Singapore)
“Choosing to donate the company’s Jobs Support Scheme payout is a testament to Boehringer Ingelheim’s enlightened leadership and to the generous spirit of your employees,” says Catherine Loh, CEO of the Community Foundation of Singapore. “Thank you for partnering the Sayang Sayang Fund to provide relief to our healthcare workers and other vulnerable communities affected during this crisis. We hope your action will inspire more companies to step forward and do their part.”
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
“The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) had to cancel our largest fundraiser of the year - our gala dinner, and we are expecting a significant drop in income for the foreseeable future. But our critical animal welfare services are still running and we must ensure they continue to do so, as there are many animals out there who require our help. The very generous donation from Boehringer Ingelheim thus provides much welcome relief with the funds going a long way towards sustaining our welfare work. On behalf of all of us at the SPCA, furry and otherwise, thank you very much!” said Dr Jaipal Singh Gill, SPCA Executive Director.
Singapore Red Cross
"We thank Boehringer Ingelheim for the generous donation, which will go a long way in the fight against COVID-19. This donation will aid our efforts to build up resilience in the community during this crisis. The funds would be channeled to the Singapore Red Cross' COVID-19 local response, which will go on to support the needs of the vulnerable in our midst, including the elderly, families-in-need and migrant workers. These are extraordinary times, and it is critical that we intensify efforts to uplift the most vulnerable in our community," said Benjamin William, Secretary General/CEO, Singapore Red Cross.
The Invictus Fund
“It is truly better to give than to receive. We are deeply grateful for the generous support from Boehringer Ingelheim amidst today’s COVID-19 situation. Boehringer Ingelheim has not only exemplified strength in unity, but speaks of their commitment to the community as their contributions will uplift over 80 charities who are working doubly hard to continue serving the vulnerable during this challenging period.” Said Charmaine Leung, Managing Director of Community Chest.
In addition, Boehringer Ingelheim Singapore partnered with the Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (SGC) to further contribute to the donation for two funds – the Invictus Fund and the Sayang Sayang Fund. The SGC invited their member companies to donate to these organizations to further support this cause. 
Jens Ruebbert, President of the Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Jens Ruebbert, President of the Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce said, “The Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce is pleased to partner our member Boehringer Ingelheim in an SGC wide charity drive for COVID-19 victims and affected communities. German businesses are rooted in Singapore in many industries and want to contribute to the community in difficult times. This is one of those opportunities and we thank Boehringer Ingelheim and all members of the Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce for their contributions.”
The Boehringer Ingelheim Singapore team would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all frontliners, essential workers and social service agencies for bravely soldiering on each and every day during this pandemic. 
We greatly appreciate all efforts and look forward to giving back to the community more, in the near future.
More information on the funds/charities can be found on these websites: