Albert Paul

Yo elijo Boehringer Ingelheim 

Preguntamos a un compañero por su experiencia Albert Paul con nosotros, y por lo que viene después.  

Albert Paul

Fabricación & Supply Chain

Speaker 1 (00:04)

What I love about my job is that I am one piece of the big puzzle at the end to save lives. I'm working in the cell culture development of the BPAD. With my team, we together developed the cell culture process for our customers.

Speaker 1 (00:28)

I'm a biotechnologist by profession. After my biotechnology study, I gained PhD in natural sciences and then I worked for the saline development of different company before joining Boehringer Ingelheim.

Speaker 1 (00:43)

Development means in our case that we receive the information about the product of our customers that can be an antibody most of the times, a bio-therapeutic. We introduce this into our platform and after selecting the correct best-producing cell line, which also comes along with the best quality of the product, we developed the process which is then transferred to the GMP facility.

Speaker 1 (01:08)

I like working with people. This is a job where you have to work with many different people. It's definitely an open culture. You can always bring in your ideas. For example, if you have scientific ideas, there's a platform for it called PIT.

Speaker 1 (01:26)

I wanted to improve the life of patients. I think with our work, we can contribute to that and also help to save lives.

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