Anna Dieckmann

Yo elijo Boehringer Ingelheim 

Hablamos sobre sentirse realizado en el trabajo Anna Diekmann y las posibilidades para el futuro. 

Anna Dieckmann

Tecnologia da Informação

Anna Dieckmann (00:04)

When I wake up every morning, I'm looking forward what's waiting for me this day. Every day is different, and that's what attracts me, what drives me.

Anna Dieckmann (00:20)

By training, I'm a bioinformatician. After my PhD and being a lecturer for bioinformatics, I decided together with my husband that we want to leave the academic. For us, it was important to find an employer where we can not only combine our passion for bioinformatics, but also have some good environment for family and opportunities to pursue our own career plans.

Anna Dieckmann (00:41)

My team is in the interface between research and the IT organization. So we also work a bit as the proxy in between this research and the corporate IT division. Just of the sheer size of volume of data, this needs to have really innovative ideas how to deal with this data. That's what's attracting me personally very much that I can be this creative person, bringing in ideas.

Anna Dieckmann (01:12)

With us, you will find a lot of different opportunities, not only for your career development, but also for your personal development. I have a global team. I'm really working in a global setup. The setup offers different flavours of culture. This mix of local and global challenges that they can dive into, that they can find solutions for and bring in their own, but also that the team knowledge and skills.

Anna Dieckmann (01:42)

Boehringer Ingelheim is a place for me where creativity, innovation is not only possible, it's really valued and appreciated.

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