全身型膿疱性乾癬 GPP

全身型膿疱性乾癬 (GPP) 是一種罕見的終身皮膚病,如果不及時治療可能會危及生命。 它的特徵是身體大片區域突然出現疼痛、充滿膿液的水泡。 它可能伴隨著更一般的症狀,例如發燒、頭痛、極度疲倦或皮膚灼熱感。 GPP 可能與更常見的斑塊狀乾癬(Plaque psoriasis)混淆,但它們是不同的疾病。

Generalized Pustular Psoriasis (GPP) is a rare, lifelong skin disease, which may be life-threatening if left untreated. It is characterized by flares which appear suddenly in the form of painful, pus-filled blisters over large areas of the body. It may be accompanied by more general symptoms, such as fever, headache, extreme tiredness, or a burning sensation on the skin. GPP can be confused with the more common plaque psoriasis, but they are distinct diseases.


Spevigo solution for infusion® 希蓓麗活靜脈輸注液®

