Our promise to our people: how we identify and differentiate with ourevolved employer value proposition as an global top employer

Meet Robert and Emily Murray, father and daughter who share more than just a family bond. They're both part of Boehringer Ingelheim too. We asked about their take on our newly launched People Promise, which defines how our company identifies itself and differentiates from other employers. Emily, a newer member in our Talent Acquisition team, and Robert, an experienced IT system engineer, both agree on one thing: it's the people that make our company special. But do we truly keep our promise? Let's dive into their experiences and find out.

​In our bustling cafeteria at our Ridgefield site in the U.S., Emily and Robert share more than just a meal. Their laughter echoes through the room as Emily teases, “You are more senior so you can pay for it,” and Robert responds with a chuckle, “Yeah, going out to lunch with me saves her a few bucks.” This light-hearted exchange is a glimpse into their shared journey at our workplace. Emily started her career in the Talent Acquisition team just about one year ago, whereas her father Robert has been working here as IT system engineer for more than 20 years. Emily has always wanted to work here as well, “because of the way he talked about Boehringer.”

Both Emily and Robert also highlight the company's support during personal crises. “My mother's sick pretty often, so seeing that he [Robert] was able to get time off and help with everything that she needs is a huge relief,” she mentions.

Father and daughter in our cafeteria

Diversity: Our differences make us strong

If asked what they most like about our company, their answer follows within a close second: “It’s the people.” Robert reflects, “One of the best experiences I've had over the years is that I've been lucky enough to work with smart folks who know their job. But what stands out beyond that is their personalities and the way they interact with each other – they're always there, they never let you down. We are all united in our belief that we can help make the lives of millions of people and animals better.” Emily's transition from an external contract role to a full-time role in August 2023 was also marked by supportive interactions: “Everybody's so wonderful and willing to help navigate, answer questions. That's my favorite part,” she shares. 

Robert’s team members are from Spain, Argentina, Germany, Singapore – a diverse group of individuals spread across the globe, with Robert being the only one in the United States. Their differences in location, expertise, and personality are their collective strength. Especially when things get tough: “90 percent of the time, you're doing your work... and then there's 10 percent of your work that your hair is on fire. And, man, that's when they show up,” he says with a big laugh.

Robert Murray laughs

Company culture: Being trusted to do it right

That our culture is not just a cornerstone of our operations, is a lived experience for Emily and Robert. “The culture here is supportive and accepting,” she says, “It's like a safety net that allows me to focus on my work without any added stress. And we celebrate the small wins because they lead us to life-changing discoveries.” Robert adds another dimension to this. He emphasizes the trust we place in our employees, a trust he has experienced firsthand. “They give you the freedom to make things happen,” he says. “It's not just about getting the job done, it's about being trusted to do it right.”

Employee development: Investing to develop one’s own path

Emily’s experience at our company has already been marked by opportunities to think outside the box and grow. Emily shares: “The implementation of a Human Resources IT tool was an excellent opportunity for me because I got to touch a lot of stuff I'd never touched before.” She also appreciates our investment in education, stating, “The wealth of knowledge that's available to us, the investment the company makes in your education is far above any that I've ever been involved in.”

Emily is currently working on her bachelor's degree besides her full-time role: “Before I started here, I was nervous about juggling my studies and job responsibilities,” she recalls. “But my supervisor immediately put my worries to rest. She not only encouraged me to continue my education but also assured me of Boehringer’s support.” Her father nods in agreement, reflecting on similar support he received years ago: “When I started here two decades ago, I was encouraged to attend training programs and workshops that have significantly contributed to my professional growth. Seeing the same support extended to Emily reassures me that we are part of an organization that truly invests in its people.”

Our People Promise

The People Promise is the promise we give our current and future employees about our company. It describes who we are, what we stand for and how we differentiate as an employer.

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